
Award Lifecycle

Find Funding

Select lifecycle subphase below:

Office of Research Development and Strategy

About this Organization

The  Office of Research Development and Strategy facilitates sharing of information and resources related to obtaining external support for research and teaching activities.

SPIN Fund Search Database

Sponsored Programs Information Network (SPIN) Fund Search Database
Sponsored Programs Information Network (SPIN) Fund Search Database features over 40,000 opportunities offered by both federal and private sources. SPIN provides three different search types - Basic, Keyword and Advanced Search. You may also set up automatic notifications of upcoming funding opportunities in your research interest areas, and have them sent directly to your inbox. 

You may access SPIN directly from the InfoEd ERA portal used to submit and manage proposals.

NIH Funding

NIH Funding
NIH offers funding for many types of grants, contracts, and even programs that help repay loans for researchers. Learn about these programs, as well as about NIH's budget process, grant funding strategies, and policies, and more. Funding
The Database lists funding opportunities for 26 Federal granting agencies including the National Institutes of Health, National Science Foundation, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Department of Energy, National Endowment for the Humanities, Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Justice and Department of Education. You may search by funding opportunity notice or Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number, browse by agency or sign up to receive automatic daily e-mails of agency announcements.

About provides a database for federal contract opportunities.

Limited Submission

Limited Submission Funding
Are you interested in applying for a limited submission funding opportunity? Please apply through the competition application portal today!

Federal Funding

Federal Funding Sources
The federal government requires agencies to post all competitive grant and cooperative agreement opportunities at Under federal regulations, agencies must post their competitive opportunities on at least 30 days before the deadline. Additionally, federal agencies may also post competitive opportunities on their website.

Non-Federal Funding

Non-Federal Funding Sources
For non-federal funding opportunities, please look at research-related associations.

Proposal Development and Submission

Select lifecycle subphase below:

Proposal Preparation

Proposal Development
Various resources on proposal development

Proposal Routing

Proposal Routing
All extramural requests for program funding and sponsorship, including grant applications, contract proposals, or other proposals for research, training, or service support, but excluding gifts, bequests, and donations, must obtain institutional authorization prior to being submitted to the sponsor. 

All proposals must be accompanied by an Approval of Application for Grant or Contract (Routing) form and prepared electronically in InfoEd eRA. The Routing form should be completed and electronically approved by the PI, the Department Chair or Director, and an appropriate Dean or Administrator (e.g., School of Dental Medicine, School of Medicine, College of Nursing, School of Pharmacy, Colorado Area Health Education Center and Downtown Denver Campus) prior to the proposal being submitted to Grants and Contracts. Upon satisfactory review of a proposal, Grants and Contracts will provide institutional endorsement. 

Proposals should be routed with sufficient lead time for securing departmental and Dean signatures; and for Grants and Contracts to review the proposal, notify the departmental administrator and/or PI of any problems and corrections that need to be made in order to obtain institutional endorsement. The Deans' offices for the Schools of Dentistry, Medicine, and Pharmacy, the College of Nursing and Downtown Denver all participate in the InfoEd eRA electronic system that delivers proposal documents between the Deans' offices and Grants and Contracts. Upon review and endorsement by Grants and Contracts, proposals are returned to the appropriate school and/or department electronically.

Sponsor Admin Portals

Sponsor Admin Portals
Certain sponsoring agencies require specific information to complete your award application.


NIH JIT procedures
"Just-In-Time" is a procedure used by NIH to postpone the collection of certain information normally required for all competitive proposals. The information for applications with a likelihood of funding is submitted “just-in-time” for awards to be made. 

This delayed exchange of information significantly relieves the administrative burden for the 75% to 80% of applicants who will not receive an award. In addition, the information that is exchanged "just-in-time" for award will be current, rather than several months old (which often necessitates a request for updated information). 

At this time NIH e-mails a request for just-in-time information to the PI and OGC. A link to "JIT" in the PI's NIH eRA commons account is not a request for information.

Award Acceptance / Contract Negotiation

Select lifecycle subphase below:


Contracting Information

The OGC Contracts team handles the review and execution of the following types of agreements: 

  1. Incoming sponsored project/research agreements routed via InfoEd (Funds 30/31)
  2. Incoming fee for service/revenue based agreements (Funds 20/28/29)
  3. Outgoing subcontract agreements

For more information about contracts, please visit our Contracts Team page

Contact Information

OGC Contracts Team

Outgoing Subcontracts

Subcontracting Information
Outgoing Subcontracts are used are used when CU Denver is purchasing research services from an external source or vendor, such as another university, with funds from an external sponsor, such as National Institutes of Health.

For more information about outgoing subcontracts, please visit the Subcontracts Team page.

Contact Information

OGC Contracts Team

Award Set-up and Pre-Award Spending

Select lifecycle subphase below:

Award Setup

Award Setup Overview
Award Setup section is responsible for the award entry for all incoming Grants and Contracts award and preaward setups actions. They perform intake of the award into InfoEd and the Award Setup in the Peoplesoft Grants Module, which includes the creation of all related speed types and projects. 

The setup section also maintains the fiscal roles updates for sponsored projects, which are used by Grants and Contracts for most post award communications and automated reports to our department partners.

Fiscal Roles

Fiscal Role Information

Fiscal Roles are used by Grants and Contracts for most post award communications and automated reports to our department partners; in addition, they drive access to certain transactions in Marketplace and Concur.   

Sponsored Project Fiscal Roles include 

  • Principle Investigator (PI) – This role is given based on the award notice. An update to this role requires sponsor approval
  • Fiscal Manager (GADM) – This role is for the department administrator who is largely responsible for the oversight of financial activity on the project. This role is used to burst OGC reports related to closeout of awards and projects.
  • Fiscal Staff

In order to update these roles please send requests to We can accept requests in multiple formats.

All requests must include: 

  • Project ID
  • Current name and employee ID
  • New Name and employee ID
  • Reason for the Change

For changes based on staff turnover we recommend you use M-Fin Fiscal role reports in CU-Data to find all the projects that need to be updated. You can also download that report to excel data and then modify to add the fields related to the employee we are changing to.   A Report to verify Fiscal roles can be found in CU Data under Team Content > Finance > Look Ups m-Fin Fiscal Roles and m-Fin Fiscal Roles II


PreAward Request

PreAward Setup
Preaward Setup is a way for departments to prepare ahead of time when an incoming new award or continuation is expected and a Speedtype is needed in advance of the arrival of the award.


For continuations, it is best practice to establish a preaward when your current budget period is ending and we need to finalize those numbers while also having a new speed type for charges that will incur in the next expected budget period.

Federal Non-Competing Segments

For federal Non-Competing segments, Award Setups will automatically issue a preaward up to 60 days in advance of the next budget period. A request is not needed. Note: If your project will keep the same number for the upcoming budget period the project status will cycle to “S-Prespending Status” after the end of the current budget period and remain in that status until the award is received. For those awards needing a new project we will issue a new number in a preaward status.

New Preaward/New Segment Requests

Preaward Requests for a brand-new award or new segments require an InfoEd routing be in place and have a status that has completed all department workflow.

Post Award Management

Select lifecycle subphase below:

Post Award

Post Award Information
Post-award administration is a joint effort on the part of the PI, the PI’s designee, departmental administration, and OGC. The post award section acts as a resource for approvals and assistance for all activities that take place after an award setup is complete. Post award specialists should be meeting with your departments on a regular basis to share in the award administration of the sponsor project. 

As an award comes to an end, Post award is responsible for meeting all financial reporting and closeout deadlines, with the assistance of a department, to finalize spending on a sponsored project.

Carry Forward - NIH

NIH Approvals

The requirements for carry forward approval can be found in the terms and conditions section of your award. Some grants have automatic carry forward authority, and grantees do not have to request approval from the sponsor in order to carry forward funds from one budget period to the next. Grants that do not have automatic carry forward authority are required to submit a written request to the sponsor. 

When a written request is required, the NOA will contain the following language or similar in the terms and conditions section of the NOA: 

Carry over of an unobligated balance into the budget period requires Grants Management Officer prior approval. 

Written NIH carry forward requests must be submitted via eRA Commons (as of 06/08/2017). These requests can only be initiated by the institution SO in eRA Commons. Please submit the following documents as three separate PDFs unless otherwise instructed by NIH or the CU Denver SO

  1. Explanation of Unobligated Balance (include grant number and PI name)
  2. Detailed Budget
    1. Detailed budget in PHS 398 format (Form Page 4) and justification for all items, including detailed budget pages for any subcontracts.
    2. Checklist page reflecting the requested F&A costs for the prime grantee and any subcontracts (see above PHS 398 link to access required forms).
  3. Scientific Justification (memo format on department letterhead)
    1. Grant Number and PI Name
    2. Plan for expenditure, including a description of activities to be carried out during the carryover period, and how the activities relate to the aims of the project.
    3. Signature of PI (SO will provide electronic signature via eRA Commons).   


  • To prevent delay of NIH approval, only the OGC Signing Official should submit the CF request to NIH.
  • NIH typically makes decisions on carry forward requests within 30 calendar days of receipt.
Submitting a Written Request to OGC for Review 

If a sponsor requires a written request for Carry Forward, all of the sponsor required materials should be attached in an email to your department's Post Award administrator. The body of the email must include the following: 
  1. PI Name
  2. PeopleSoft Project Number
  3. InfoEd Proposal Number
  4. Sponsor Grant/Award Number
  5. Sponsor Contact Info (SO will submit the request using this info)
  6. Any additional information required by the sponsor

The Carry Forward Request Flowchart can be referenced for the general steps of the overall process.

Carry Forward - Non NIH

Non NIH Approvals
If a written request is required, the request must be signed by the PI. The request should include all documents required by the sponsor. 

Other Federal Agencies 

Requirements vary by sponsor. Please check the NOA or contract terms and conditions for deadlines and instructions. 

Foundations and Other Nonprofit Organizations 

Requirements vary by sponsor. Please check the NOA or contract terms and conditions for deadlines and instructions.   

Submitting a Written Request to OGC for Review 

If a sponsor requires a written request for Carry Forward, all of the sponsor required materials should be attached in an email to your department's Post Award administrator.

The body of the email must include the following: 

  1. PI Name
  2. PeopleSoft Project Number
  3. InfoEd Proposal Number
  4. Sponsor Grant/Award Number
  5. Sponsor Contact Info (SO will submit the request using this info)
  6. Any additional information required by the sponsor

The Carry Forward Request Flowchart can be referenced for the general steps of the overall process.

Cost Sharing

What is Cost Sharing?
Cost sharing is that portion (cost) of a sponsored project or program that is not supported by the sponsor. Cost sharing consists of three types: mandatory, obligatory and voluntary. Please see Fiscal Policy 4-8 for details regarding cost sharing. The Accounting Section is responsible for the proper documentation and monitoring of campus cost sharing.

Cost Sharing Policy

Contact Information

Stephanie Chandler-Thompson

F&A Costs

Facilities and Administrative Costs
It is the policy of this university to seek the appropriate, approved Facilities and Administrative Cost (F&A) recovery rate on all sponsored programs whether they are from private or public sources. Application of the standard F&A recovery rate can be waived in extenuating circumstances only.

Primary Fund Source Project Type  On-Campus  Off-Campus  Cost Base Type 
Sponsors including but not limited to Federal, Federal Flow-through Organized Research Instruction 55.5%
26% MTDC*
State, State Flow-through, Private Industry 1 Other Sponsored Projects 26% 26% MTDC*
Private Industry Clinical Trials 2 Clinical Trials 28% 28% TDC
Proof of Concept Awards (POCg) Tech Transfers 8% 8% MTDC*
Non-profit associations and foundations All (excluding clinical trials) Sponsor consistently applied published policy, OR 10% if no sponsor policy TDC

Application of F&A Rates

Modified Total Direct Costs (MTDC)* 

Total Direct Cost (TDC)

  • Salaries/Wages
  • Fringe Benefits
  • Materials & Supplies
  • Animal Resource Center Costs
  • Services
  • Travel
  • Sub grants or Sub contracts up to 1st $25,000
  • Genomic Arrays subject to NIH Policy (NOT-OD-10-097) effective 5/13/2010
  • Equipment
  • Capital Expenditures
  • Patient Care Charges 3
  • Tuition Remission
  • Rental Costs (Building Rental Costs)
  • Scholarships
  • Fellowships
  • IRB fees
  • Portion of Sub grants or Sub contracts in excess of 1st $25,000
1 Private Industry - Applies to non Clinical Trials only. The rate for these Industry projects will be based on the project type. Projects that are Clinical Trials will follow the rates on the following line.

2 TDC-Industry Sponsored Clinical Trials means only trials directly from Industry Sponsors. Government Flow-through trials will be charged at standard rates in the above line, as will all other industry sponsored projects.

3 Note: Effective 11/16/2011 Animal Resource Center Costs are assessed F&A.

Contact Information

Administrative Contracting Officer (ACO)
Arif Karim
DHHS, Director - Cost Allocation Services
90 7th Street
Suite 4-600
San Francisco, CA 94103-6705

Phone: (415) 437-7820
Fax: (415) 437-7823

NCE Request

No Cost Extensions (NCE)
Specific projects may allow for the final budget period to be extended for a specific period of time depending on the sponsor guidelines. Such an action affirms that additional work remains to be completed on the project and that resources are available to continue to support the project, or that additional time is needed to provide for an orderly closeout.

The fact that funds remain at the expiration of the grant is not, in itself, sufficient justification for an extension without additional funds. Conditions of these requests cannot not require additional funds to be obligated by the sponsor and the project's originally approved scope cannot not change.

NCE Guidelines Available: 
  • NIH - First Extension
  • Non-NIH Extensions & 2nd NIH Extensions
  • NSF - First Extension
  • NSF - Second Extension

Fringe Benefits Rate

Treatment of Fringe Benefits
The fringe benefit rates to be used for budgeting purposes on sponsored project proposals have been updated. The new rates should be used for budgeting purposes on proposals with deadline dates falling on or after July 1, 2021.  These rates apply to proposals developed for both CU Denver and
the Anschutz Medical Campus. 

Remember two important things: 

  1. Both campuses still charge benefits based on actual costs and not the budgeted rates.
  2. Fringe benefits are treated as direct costs.

Please use the personnel categories that are the most accurate for your proposed budget to create a more precise proposed budget.  The rates include all fringe including non-payroll fringe termination pay, worker's comp, unemployment, and retiree health.

Project   Rates - Effective July 1, 2021 
CU Denver Faculty     
Full-time (>=50% FTE) Job codes 1100 to 1499 excluding 1438, 1309-1311  29.23% 
Part-time (<50% FTE) Job codes 1100 to 1499 excluding 1438, 1309-1311  13.12% 
CU Anschutz Faculty

Full-time (>=50% FTE) Job codes 1100 to 1499 excluding 1438, 1309-1311  23.89% 
Part-time (<50%)  Job codes from 1100 to 1499 excluding 1438, 1309-1311  14.71% 
CU Denver | Anschutz     
University Staff (>= 50% FTE) Job Codes 2200-2999  36.23% 
University Staff (<50% FTE) Job Codes 2200-2999  24.15% 
Classified Permanent (>=50% FTE)   Empl Class - C Classified Staff 43.51% 
Classified Permanent (<50% FTE)  Empl Class - C  Classified Staff 65.59% 
Classified Temporary  Empl Class - C Classified Staff  23.97% 
Post Doc Fellow  Job Code 1438  25.99% 
Professional Research Assistants (>=50% FTE)  Job Codes 1309-1311  38.08% 
Professional Research Assistants (<50% FTE)  Job Codes 1309-1311  24.80% 
Graduate Students/Pre Doctoral Fellows  Job Codes 32XX  7.54% 
Student Faculty / Student Hourly (>=50% FTE)  Job Codes 1500s and 4XXX  0.24% 
Student Faculty / Student Hourly (<50% FTE)  Job Codes 1500s and 4XXX  0.22% 

Residents (Please contact the GME office for current rates)

Program Income

NIH Grants Policy Statement

Program income is gross income-earned by a recipient, a consortium participant, or a contractor under a grant-that was directly generated by the grant-supported activity or earned as a result of the award. Program income includes, but is not limited to, income from fees for services performed; charges for the use or rental of real property, equipment or supplies acquired under the grant; the sale of commodities or items fabricated under an award; charges for research resources; registration fees for grant-supported conferences, and license fees and royalties on patents and copyrights. (Note: Program income from license fees and royalties from copyrighted material, patents, and inventions is exempt from reporting requirements unless otherwise specified in the terms and conditions of award.)

If Program income is identified on the award, a separate speed type will need to be set up to track the income. Please contact OGC Award Set-up for the speed type setup.

Re-budget Requests

Prior Approval Requirements
Federal Awards

Federal research awards generally provide authority to re-budget an award up to 25% in a single direct cost budget category without requiring prior approval. However, prior approval from the agency would be required if there is a scope change resulting from the re-budgeting. 

For federal awards that are not considered research awards, prior approval may be required when re-budgeting exceeds 10% in direct costs. Prior approval is always required for a scope change. For additional information, please refer to the award's terms and conditions.

Non-Federal Awards

Re-budgeting authority varies among non-federal sponsors. You may refer to the award terms and conditions for additional information about re-budgeting and when sponsor prior approval would be required.

Salary Caps

Agency Salary Requests
NIH and Other Public Health Service Agencies

Salary requests for any agency within the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) are capped. Congress adjusts the salary cap annually.

The following agencies constitute the U.S. Public Health Service:

  • Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
  • Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR)
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
  • Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
  • Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)
  • Indian Health Service (IHS)
  • National Institutes of Health (NIH)
  • Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
The NIH provides a Salary Cap Summary that provides the current salary cap along with historical data. 

National Science Foundation

The National Science Foundation (NSF) limits the salary compensation requested in the proposal budget for senior personnel to no more than two months of their regular salary in any year. This limit includes salary compensation received from all NSF-funded grants.

Additional information about the NSF two-month rule may be found in the NSF PAPPG in the Salaries and Wages sub-section of the Budget and Budget Justification section.

Other Sponsors

Sponsors may impose a salary cap or other limitations. Please review sponsor information closely.

Time and Effort Reporting

ePER Completion
The Federal government requires universities which receive grant and contract awards to document and support the salaries and wages paid to individual employees working on these projects. Effective November 1, 2006, the electronic Personnel Effort Report (ePER or time and effort report) was implemented at the University. This is a web based method to certify the level of effort that has been devoted by an individual to a sponsored project(s) during a particular period of time. This mechanism replaced the previous paper based certification system effective with the June through August 2006 summer semester. The University has implemented this new web based ePER on a system-wide basis for time and effort reporting. ePERs must be completed each semester (fall, spring and summer).

The accounting section of the Office of Grants and Contracts is responsible for oversight of the system and follow up regarding outstanding ePERs at 9th and Colorado and Anschutz Medical Campuses of UCD. ePERs must be completed and certified within 120 calendar days from ePER creation. For further information about ePER certification, please click on the following link: Step-by-Step Guide: Certifying Electronic Personnel Effort Reports (ePERs). This site includes information about the Electronic Personnel Effort Reporting Blackboard course. Anyone who is funded by sponsored projects is required to take this course. Reports are available in Cognos Reporting System that can be helpful for employees with fiscal roles to manage who is being charged to sponsored projects and reflect if those employees charged to the sponsored project have completed their Personal Effort Report certification as required by 2 CFR 200. If you hold a fiscal role you, these reports can help you manage your projects.

There are currently three management reports, including:
  • ePER Summary by Org
  • ePER Summary by PI
  • Uncertified ePER by Org or Campus
These reports are in the CU-DATA reporting system under Team Content > ePers. For information about how to use CU-DATA, see information at CU Controllers site, Office of University Controller

Contact Information

Zhengli (Lee) Ding

Project Status

Project Status Information

Project Statuses are used to Control spending on projects depending on what phase they are in.   

  • Project statuses are used at all campuses
  • All controls affect funds 30, 31, 12, 22, 32 and 35 (HCM only)
  • Systems that utilize status Peoplesoft FIN and HCM, Concur, CU Marketplace, and iLabs

Project Status Key

S Preaward  Time period prior to award notice being received. 
O Open  Project/Speed type are active to incur expenditures for the budget period awarded. 
Ended   0-60 days after the end of the project. Ended Status confirms the funding period has ended and preparation for final reporting and closeout begin, or activity will transition to next years project for the award.
Reporting  >60 days after end of project; No additional payroll or non-payroll expenses should be added/removed from the project while final financial deliverable's are prepared. 
Closed  The project/speed type is inactivated and no other transactions may post or be removed. 

Project Status Transaction Matrix
Transaction Matrix
Project Status  S (Prespending)*  O (Open)  E (Ended)  R (Reporting)  C (Closed) 
 Speed type Status Active Active  Active  Active  Inactive 
Concur Transactions     
New Marketplace Requisitions   x      
Existing Marketplace Transactions  x  
New iLab Transactions   
Existing iLab Transactions   
 GL Journals** x  
 HCM Pay Transactions***      
HCM Payroll Expense Transfers (PETS)****     


Project LIfecycle

Lifecycle Statuses
OGC announced in July 2017 the use of new PeopleSoft Project life cycle statuses. At this time, those status changes are still updated manually by your Post Award Administrator. Coming in the fall of 2018, these statuses will start changing automatically within PeopleSoft at specific time points after the project end date. We will also be implementing a new control structure behind these statuses to help ensure expenses are posted to the project timely and within the project dates. 

Over the next few months, there will be much more information to come on this modification to assess readiness and help you prepare for the change. Please review the status descriptions and future controls listed below. Note these status controls will not be put in place for older projects that are being worked as part of OGC’s closeout initiative.

Status Description 
"S" Pre-Spending  Status for pre-award spending projects. This status will allow all transactions approved to post. 
"O" Open Status initiated after award setup through the life of award
"E" Ended Status inserted 1 day past the project End Date.  
"R" Reporting Status entered at 60 days after project end date. This status is intended to stop transactions from posting while Final Report is being prepared. This status will stop you from entering new transactions as well as stop you from doing PETS on projects.
"C" Closed Status changed to closed manually after final reports have been submitted and all payments received. This status is to represent the project is complete and no further reporting or adjustments are needed.

Relinquishment and Award Transfer

Changing a Recipient Organization

The change of institution, or change of recipient organization, is the transfer of the legal and administrative responsibility for a grant-supported project or activity from one legal entity to another before the completion date of the approved project period.

Please see A to Z Resources, Transfer/Relinquishment of an Award.

Email the completed transfer sponsored project form to:

Termination of an Award

Transfer Project Form

Outgoing Subawards

Select lifecycle subphase below:


Subaward Information

PIs and their administrative units must ensure continuous and ongoing monitoring of the financial and programmatic performance of each federal subaward, per 2 CFR 200.332(d) and University policy. As a steward of federal funds, PIs and administrative units must have reasonable assurance each subrecipient complies with the terms and conditions of the subaward and is making adequate progress towards the subrecipient’s project goals and outcomes.

Auditors and federal agencies regularly request monitoring records to assess the University’s compliance with federal requirements. Failure to maintain a monitoring record may result in cost disallowances associated with our subaward.

Per University policy, “any penalties, disallowance, or losses of funding caused by non-compliance…will be the responsibility of the administrative unit in violation of the policy.”

To meet these responsibilities, PIs and their administrative units must:

  • Maintain regular contact with the subrecipient to gauge project progress;
  • Ensure all deliverables, including subrecipient progress reports, are timely and satisfactory;
  • Verify the subrecipient adheres to the terms and conditions of the subaward;
  • Address subrecipient non-compliance by communicating with OGC if changes to the statement of work, reporting requirements, or rebudgeting are needed
  • Verify subrecipient invoices are timely, complete, and accurate;
  • Ensure all subrecipient costs conform to the terms and conditions of the subaward and approved budget; and,
  • Confirm that costs are aligned with technical progress.
Documenting Monitoring Activities

Monitoring activities MUST be adequately documented. The University provides a Monitoring Record Template and Monitoring Invoice Checklist that may be used or modified as needed.

Risk Assessment

OGC conducts a risk assessment on each federal subrecipient before a subaward is executed. If the risk assessment surpasses a certain risk score, our subcontracts team will discuss the assessment with you prior to providing an executed subcontract. If you would like a copy of the risk assessment for your subaward, please email

Contact Information

Subcontracts Team
For questions and assistance related to your subaward agreement, please contact

For questions and assistance related to subrecipient compliance, please contact Shane Jernigan at

Closeout and Post Closeout

Select lifecycle subphase below:

Closeout Procedures

Closing a Project
The close of a project is a shared responsibility that involves the Principal Investigator, Department Administrator, Fiscal Staff and the Office of Grants and Contracts Postaward Unit. It involves the review of expenditures to ensure that they are allowable, allocable, reasonable and consistent with Uniform Guidance. The expenses must be clearly made within an award(s) period of performance.

For Federal awards, all closeout reports must be submitted no later than 90 calendar days after the end date of the performance period as outlined by the award notice, unless an extension is authorized by the Federal Agency. All expenses must be booked in the GL in order to include them on final billings and reports. In very rare cases, exceptions can be made with sufficient documentation if the expense needs to occur
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