Alert: The Plaza Building will remain closed through Jan. 20, 2025.

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Closeout Procedures

The close of a project is a shared responsibility that involves the Principal Investigator, Department Administrator, Fiscal Staff and the Office of Grants and Contracts Postaward Unit. It involves the review of expenditures to ensure that they are allowable, allocable, reasonable and consistent with Uniform Guidance. The expenses must be clearly made within an award(s) period of performance.

For Federal awards, all closeout reports must be submitted no later than 90 calendar days after the end date of the performance period as outlined by the award notice, unless an extension is authorized by the Federal Agency. All expenses must be booked in the GL in order to include them on final billings and reports. In very rare cases, exceptions can be made with sufficient documentation if the expense needs to occur. There may be times where your award still has budget periods but an individual project/ST are ending and this checklist should be used for all cases.

Closeout Reports

Grantees must submit the following closeout reports:

  • Final Federal Financial Report (except for NIH Fellowships)
  • Final Progress Report (except for NIH Fellowships - please use Form PHS 416-7 Termination Notice)
  • Final Invention Statement and Certification (except for NIH Fellowships and Training grants)
  • PHS 416-7 - Termination Notice (NIH Fellowships Only)

Reporting and Closeout Timelines

Closeout Timeline (90, 60, 30 Days BEFORE project end GM01)

Closeout Requirements/Checklist (30, 60, 90 days AFTER project end GM02 and GM03)

Close Contract or Agreement Request Form

High Cash Balance Memo

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