Alert: The Plaza Building will remain closed through Jan. 20, 2025.

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Effort Reporting (ePERs)

The University uses ePERs (electronic Personnel Effort Reporting) to comply with federal regulations commonly known as Uniform Guidance. Every employee who is paid from or has committed cost sharing effort to a federally sponsored project is required to certify an ePER. Certification confirms to the sponsor that the effort being put into a project matches the effort being paid by grant funding.

Effort reports are generated at the end of every semester and cover the following periods:

Date RangeSemester
January 1 - May 31Spring
June 1 - August 31Summer
September 1 - December 31Fall

 ePERs Access

  •  Access to the ePERs tile is automatically generated for these three scenarios:
    • The person is an employee paid by a sponsored project and has been issued their first ePER.
    • The person is a supervisor of an employee that receives an ePER.
    • The person is a PI on a sponsored project.
    • The person has GACT role in the system will have inquiry access.
  • The ePERs tile can be accessed by logging in to your campus portal. Click on the CU Resources Home drop-down menu and select Business Tools, then click on the ePERs tile.
  • To see if you have ePER Inquiry access, follow the guide here.

ePER Tiles

 The system has multiple tiles that each person might have access to and below is a brief explanation of the tiles.

 The plain ePERs tile is for your personal ePERs where you will review and certify.

 The ePERs PI tile is for you to review anyone that is working on an award that you are listed as a PI on. It will just be viewing access, and you will not be able to certify an ePER. We have this so that PIs can monitor individuals that are working on their awards and making sure that the effort looks accurate.

The ePERs Supervisor tile is for you to review and certify anyone that you are listed as a supervisor for. 

ePERs Reports

ePERs Status Explanation

  • N - Not Complete 
    • The employee has not certified their ePER.
  • P - PET required (Pending Payroll Adjustment)
    • The employee has tried certifying less than the pay with cost share.
    • If the employee believes their actual effort percentage is less than what their pay with cost share was, the employee will need to work with the payroll liaison to create a PET to move pay off that sponsored project.
    • If the effort is correct, the employee needs to certify the actual effort percentage for greater than or equal to the pay with cost share.
  • R - Revised PER Issued (Revised)
    • Something in the system (typically a PET) was submitted that caused the ePER to change.
    • The employee will need to recertify for the updated effort.
    • If they have issues with the percentages, they need to work with their payroll liaison.
  • H - Hold (On Hold)
    • There is a payroll error (negative pay or suspense).
    • Effort with Cost Share exceeds 100%.
    • Please reach out to OGC ePERs inbox for questions.

Helpful Links

Please visit our FAQ page for more ePERs information and for additional assistance with ePERs reporting, please contact


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