Alert: The Plaza Building will remain closed through Jan. 20, 2025.

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Actions to complete:

Provide a detailed description explaining the need for the Payroll Expense Transfer

Include in the description:
  • Who, What, Why, When and Value (dollars or percentage) the transfer is being requested for and how the receiving project benefits from the expense?
  • The reason the expense was incorrectly charged originally.


Be sure to include the original and new Speedtypes, the employee name and EIN or POS number, and the percent of effort or total dollars being adjusted between Speedtypes. The written justification should confirm the adjustments entered in the system.

Requests greater than 90 days

For requests greater than 90 days from the transaction date, the justification must also address:
  • The reason the request was not submitted within 90 days of the transaction date
  • How requests greater than 90 days old will be prevented in the future
It is expected that all expenses on sponsored projects (personnel and non-personnel) are reviewed monthly for accuracy and adjustments are made as soon as possible when an error is recognized.

Special Circumstances

For requests where the Earnings Date is paid in a different pay period:
  • Clearly confirm the discrepancy and provide additional details within the justification
For example, Off-Cycle pay was for Employee “A’s” effort performed in January 2017, however, was paid in March 2017 because “A” was out of town and submitted their time sheet to HR late on 03/12/2017…

Actions to Complete:


Information Needed

Please provide the following information in the spreadsheet:
  • Employee Name/EIN
  • Payroll periods to be adjusted in the PET
  • % Effort/Payroll for each Project/Speedtype
  • Clear calculations of the change between prior and new values


Please fill out the Employee Salary Spreadsheet if:
  • Employee is paid from multiple sources.
  • Email communication/confirmation of approval if transferring between departments.
  • Email communication/confirmation of approval if requestor is different than the creator.
Actions to Complete:

Upload Optional Attachments

  • Payroll Transaction Report or Financial Detail highlighting the months of payroll to be moved. (highly encouraged if the PET is for more than one employee pay period)
  • Any additional budgets, spreadsheets, or award documentation to further support/fully explain the request
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