Extramural Funding Resources

Connecting researchers to published and anticipated opportunities from external federal, foundation and private sponsors. 

Using keywords, you can search for opportunities in your area of research through the University of Colorado's SPIN search page:

SPIN World's largest database of sponsored funding opportunities

DOD      NIH      NSF

The following notices of intent to publish are time-sensitive, so you can start preparing for these opportunities ahead of their official announcements: 

Demography and Economics of Aging and Alzheimers Disease and Alzheimers Disease Related Dementias Coordinating Center
FunderType TitleRelease Date 
NIH | NIAUG3/UH3 Clinical Trial
Facilitating Preclinical and Early Phase Human Studies for New Therapeutics06/17/2024
P50 Clinical Trial OptionalIntellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Centers 2025


NIH | NCIUG3/UH3 Clinical Trial RequiredScaling-up and Maintaining Evidence-based Interventions to Maximize Impact on Cancer (SUMMIT) - Tobacco Use Treatment for Cancer Survivors 6/27/2024
NIH | NCIUG3/UH3 Clinical Trial RequiredScaling-up and Maintaining Evidence-based Interventions to Maximize Impact on Cancer (SUMMIT)- Lung Cancer Screening


NIH | NCIR01 Clinical Trial OptionalThe Confluence of Cancer Stigma and HIV Stigma in HIV-positive Individuals Diagnosed with Cancer7/2/2024
NIH | NIDCRU54 Clinical Trial OptionalTMD Collaborative for IMproving PAtient-Centered Translational Research (TMD IMPACT)6/17/2024
NIH | NIAU24 Clinical Trial Optional06/25/2024


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