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All extramural requests for program funding and sponsorship, including grant applications, contract proposals, or other proposals for research, training, or service support, but excluding gifts, bequests, and donations, must obtain institutional authorization prior to being submitted to the sponsor.

All proposals must be accompanied by an Approval of Application for Grant or Contract (Routing) form and prepared electronically in InfoEd eRA. The Routing form should be completed and electronically approved by the PI, the Department Chair or Director, and an appropriate Dean or Administrator (e.g., School of Dental Medicine, School of Medicine, College of Nursing, School of Pharmacy, Colorado Area Health Education Center and Downtown Denver Campus​) prior to the proposal being submitted to Grants and Contracts. Upon satisfactory review of a proposal, Grants and Contracts will provide institutional endorsement.

Proposals should be routed with sufficient lead time for securing departmental and Dean signatures; and for Grants and Contracts to review the proposal, notify the departmental administrator and/or PI of any problems and corrections that need to be made in order to obtain institutional endorsement. The Deans' offices for the Schools of Dentistry, Medicine, and Pharmacy, the College of Nursing and Downtown Denver all participate in the InfoEd eRA electronic system that delivers proposal documents between the Deans' offices and Grants and Contracts. Upon review and endorsement by Grants and Contracts, proposals are returned to the appropriate school and/or department electronically.

Please complete all information on the routing form accurately.

Routing Details

All proposals involving NEW money (i.e., money not already awarded) must be routed electronically prior to being submitted to the sponsor.     

Other types of actions do not require a formal routing form. Provided instructions should be followed to process these types of requests.

Examples include the following:     

While the above actions do not require a formal routing form, such requests should be sent to Grants and Contracts as quickly as possible so that appropriate action can be taken.  Please include relevant project information when submitting such requests, including the PI, sponsor, project number and most recent proposal number. Contracts items should be sent to and Grants items should be sent to   

More information about routing procedures >

Routings for applications where the final grant submission is performed by the University of Colorado Denver Office of Grants and Contracts (Authorized Organizational Representative submission) must be received for review by Grants and Contracts PreAward by the end of the 12th business day prior to the submission deadline for OGC PreAward Approval.

The final electronic version, ready for submission, must be in InfoEd eRA for Grants and Contracts by 4:00pm on the 4th business day prior to the submission deadline date. Notification must be sent to when application is ready for submission. If the application is submitted by a method other than InfoEd eRA, then the notification must include the application file or the application must be ready in the applicable sponsor portal. ​

Routings where the final grant submission is performed by the PI/Department must be received for review by Grants and Contracts PreAward five (5) full business days prior to the submission deadline.

Forms and Documentation Requirements: All applications and proposals sent to Grants and Contracts must be in a complete and final format upon receipt and include the Routing Form, other required internal forms, approval signatures, a print-out of all parts of the grant application including attachments, and a print-out of instruction materials (non-NIH Sponsors only).

  • Routing form (i.e., Approval of Application for Grant or Contract) electronically signed by PI, Department Chairperson, and applicable Dean or Administrator via InfoEd eRA.
  • Clinical Trials Supplemental Budget and Certification​ (CU Denver Fiscal Policy 4-01) industry-sponsored contracts only
  • Sponsor's instructions (for non-NIH sponsors only)
  • All forms required by the sponsor. The information should be complete, and all signatures (except institutional endorsement supplied by Grants and Contracts) should be obtained, prior to routing.
  • Budget pages. Regardless of the sponsor’s budget requirements, routings for competing grants should include detailed budget pages or spreadsheet for the entire project period. Routings for non-competing years of a project should include budget information on the Routing form, but additional detailed budget information is not necessary unless the sponsor requires it.
  • Salary increase verification. If the PI’s salary in the proposal is above UCD allowable proposal inflationary increases (5%), documentation of the approved salary increase from the appropriate dean, supervisor or appointing authority must be included as an internal document with the routing.
  • VA MOU. For any person who is listed in the proposal budget who has a dual appointment with the VA, their current fully executed VA MOU must be included with the proposal routing as a required internal document.​ All other documents (e.g., biographical sketches, other support pages, letters of support) to be submitted to the sponsor.
  • If any of the funds will be contracted to other organizations, please include the following from the subrecipient organizations:
    • All forms the sponsor requires for subrecipients. The information should be complete and must bear institutional endorsement from the subrecipient organization.
    • Budget pages. Budget figures should always be supplied by the subrecipient in order to insure the proposed subrecipient budget is in line with the subrecipient's institutional policies.
    • Budget justification
    • Scope of work
    • Any and all other documents that will be submitted on behalf of the subrecipient (e.g., biographical sketches, other support pages)

All applications and proposals route to OGC must be in a complete and final format upon receipt and include the Routing Form, other required internal forms, approval signatures, a print-out of all parts of the grant application, including attachments, and a print-out of instruction materials (non-NIH Sponsors only).

Note: Items in bold are frequently forgotten/missed items during routing.

  • Establishes the eligibility of an individual to be a PI
  • Defines the appropriate department/division to receive recognition for the proposal and award
  • Identifies the project location. The location of projects subject to the University's negotiated rate agreement determines the appropriate rate to be used.
  • Identifies the correct human and/or animal protocols associated with the project
  • Identifies radiation and biosafety approvals
  • Identifies any cost sharing, and whether it is mandatory or obligatory
  • Indicates that appropriate financial interest disclosures have been filed
  • Provides endorsement of the project by the department and applicable dean.
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