The personnel section is one of the most important areas of the budget. Finished work should be thoroughly reviewed to ensure that each position is listed and calculated correctly. Only faculty can be Principal Investigators for research activities administered through OGC at CU Denver. If you are unsure of eligibility, please review the Principal Investigatory Eligibility page.
Each person listed as personnel must be a CU Denver employee paid through the CU Denver payroll system. Notwithstanding the foregoing, prospective CU Denver employees may be listed as personnel. Follow the process described below for inclusion of prospective employees on grant proposals.
Naming Prospective CU Denver Employees on Grant Proposals
OGC recognizes there are situations when an individual named on a grant proposal has not commenced employment at CU Denver. In such instances it is permissible to include the prospective individual on the proposal as long as certain requirements are met. Please follow the steps below for inclusion of the person in the proposal:
- Provide the following information in either a letter of offer or e-mail communication from the appropriate appointing authority:
- Name
- Date of appointment
- Salary
- Proposed UCD FTE
- Complete and submit the form entitled Documentation of PHS Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI) Policy (form). This form must be submitted for any Public Health Service (PHS) grant before the individual can be named on the grant proposal. Complete the form as follows:
- Section A, Proposal Information must be completed.
- Section B, Collaborator Information may be skipped.
- Section C, Collaborator FCOI Policy Statement must be completed.
- Select Option 2, "I will follow the Conflict of Interest Policy established and enforced by the University of Colorado Denver."
- Include Name of prospective UCD employee in Investigator/Key Personnel section.
- Section D Approval
- This section will be completed by the OGC
If the prospective employee information and form is not completed prior to the grant deadline, the individual may not be included by name in the grant proposal. The position may be included with the “TBN” (To Be Named) designation, or will need to be removed completely from the proposal. COI disclosure must be completed within 60 days from date of employment for the new employee.
A current university PI must complete and approve the routing process for a prospective PI.
Grants and Contracts will confirm appropriate institutional base salary is used in budgets and will question variances.
To calculate the requested salary:
(person - months) x (Institutional Base Salary) = Requested Salary
NIH Usage of Person Months FAQs