OGC News - August 2022
Financial Services Connection
Aug 19, 2022
! NEW !
Centralized location on OGC Contracts website for various request forms and formstack links for each area of our team.
Need more resources on where to route various agreement types? Check out the other resources on our website below!
Fringe Benefits FY23
The fringe benefit rates to be used for budgeting purposes on sponsored project proposals have been updated. The new rates should be used for budgeting purposes on proposals with deadline dates falling on or after July 1, 2022. These rates apply to proposals developed for both CU Denver and the Anschutz Medical Campus.
NRSA Stipend Rates
The NRSA Fellowship stipend rates for FY 2022 that were issued on April 15, 2022, were corrected on May 13, 2022 under notice NOT-OD-22-132. As we approach the Cycle II deadlines for F Series Fellowships in August, be sure to use the updated stipend rates when budgeting. As always, refer to the individual FOAs for any specific effort or budget requirements.
Undergraduates: For institutional training grants supporting undergraduate trainees (T34, TL4), appointments for undergraduate candidates will continue to be made by distinct categories (i.e., Freshmen/Sophomores and Juniors/Seniors), but the stipend levels for the categories will be the same:
Career Level |
Stipend for FY 2022 |
Monthly Stipend |
Freshmen/Sophomores/Juniors/Seniors |
$13,920 |
$1,160 |
Predoctoral Trainees and Fellows: For institutional training grants (T32, T35, T90, TL1) and individual fellowships (F30, F31), one stipend level is used for all predoctoral candidates, regardless of the level of experience.
Career Level |
Years of Experience |
Stipend for FY 2022 |
Monthly Stipend |
Predoctoral |
All |
$26,352 |
$2,196 |
Postdoctoral Trainees and Fellows: For institutional training grants (T32, T90, TL1) and individual fellowships (F32), the stipend level for the entire first year of support is determined by the number of full years of relevant postdoctoral experience when the award is issued. Relevant experience may include research experience (including industrial), teaching assistantship, internship, residency, clinical duties, or other time spent in a health-related field beyond that of the qualifying doctoral degree. Once the appropriate stipend level has been determined, the trainee or fellow must be paid at that level for the entire grant year. The stipend for each additional year of Kirschstein-NRSA support is the next level in the stipend structure and does not change mid-year.
Career Level | Years of Experience | Stipend for FY 2022 | Monthly Stipend |
Postdoctoral | 0 | $54,840 | $4,570 |
Postdoctoral | 1 | $55,224 | $4,602 |
Postdoctoral | 2 | $55,632 | $4,636 |
Postdoctoral | 3 | $57,852 | $4,821 |
Postdoctoral | 4 | $59,784 | $4,982 |
Postdoctoral | 5 | $61,992 | $5,166 |
Postdoctoral | 6 | $64,296 | $5,358 |
Postdoctoral | 7 or More | $66,600 | $5,550 |
Senior Fellows (F33 only): The stipend level must be commensurate with the base salary or remuneration that would have been paid by the institution with which the individual is permanently affiliated when the award is issued but cannot exceed the current Kirschstein-NRSA stipend limit set by the NIH for those with 7 or more years of experience. The level of Kirschstein-NRSA support will take into account concurrent salary support provided by the institution and the policy of the sponsoring institution. NIH support does not provide fringe benefits for senior fellows.
Many awards also allow for Tuition and Fees, Training Related Expenses, and an Institutional Allowance. Be sure to check your award FOA for what costs are allowed, and check NOT-OD-22-132 for the amount that can be requested.
To ensure timely submissions and avoid delays, please work with your assigned grant specialist within your department to plan your proposal submissions for federal deadlines occurring around this timeframe. Per the Grants.gov Team, this transition to the Cloud will allow for fewer Grants.gov maintenance outages, higher availability, and ensure a modern infrastructure to support future system enhancements. For more information, please visit the calendar. |

NEW Advanced Sponsored Project Trainings
We are pleased to announce a new set of advanced sponsored projects training courses offered by OGC. These courses are based on feedback from all our campus partners over the last several years on what areas are a gap in training. The new courses will have either a pre-award or post-award track focus, with 4 new pre-award courses and 6 new post-award courses to start out.
These courses are intended for grant administrators who have already taken the original sponsored projects courses and have at least 6 months experience in a grant administrator role on campus. The courses build off the previous trainings and are more hands on to help train on some of the day-to-day activities of a grant administrator. They include the following:
Pre-Award Track
- SP: Pre-Award Essentials
- SP: Budget Development
- SP: InfoEd Routing
Post-Award Track
- SP: Post-Award Essentials
- SP: Accounting Basics
- SP: Financial Reporting
- SP: Closeout
- SP: Cost Transfers
- SP: Financial Projections
Research Administrator's Training Roadmap
In addition, these courses will be required for new Grant Administrators starting in 2023. All of the sponsored projects courses will be required, and the advanced courses will be required based on whether someone is in a pre-award or post-award role.
New and current administrators will have one and half years to complete the requirements, but it is recommended that the courses be taken sooner. Each course will be offered at least two times a year on a fall and spring semester basis. We will track enrollment via Skillsoft.
To enroll in these courses via Skillsoft visit the Skillsoft Help Page. Under the Resource Tab, there are a number of resources and quick reference guides. In particular, the Instructor Led Training (ILT) guide covers how to enroll in an ILT course, how to check your enrollment status, and how to withdraw from an ILT course. The Enrolling in Instructor Led Training may be helpful as well. Finally, under the Instructor Led Training tab, there is information about where to find instructor led training (ILT) courses.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Shane Jernigan.
Accounts Receivables Best Practices
Do you know what roadblocks that delay or prevent payments being applied to your restricted funds? Overall, payments are being posted to restricted funds in a timely manner. Here are helpful reminders to ensure payments received are posted accurately and timely.
- PLEASE send copy of invoice/payment advice/remittance to OGC.4payments@ucdenver.edu
- Request Pre-Award Speedtype as soon as possible when a new or continuation is expected
- Send/forward notices of award to OGC.AwardsIntake@ucdenver.edu
- Checks for expense reimbursement should have the account code where the original expense is posted including expense report or M-Fin details to confirm where expense is posted.
Restricted Fund Payment Process
(hybrid model of remote and on-campus)
Restricted Funds (30,31, 34 and 35) should be dropped off at the Bursar Office Drop located in Education 2 North, 3rd floor – Room 3120A. Checks (no cash and no credit card payments) can be dropped off Monday – Friday during business hours. The following actions ensure payments will be processed efficiently:
- Checks MUST be accompanied by a Cash Receipt form.
- Cash Receipt Form – Excel sheet from the Office of University Controller
- Exhibit A – Cash Receipt Forms and Instructions (.xls)
- Fiscal Policy 2-02 – Cash Receipts and Deposits
- If payment has been received before Speedtype creation, please put “OGC CLEARING” under Speedtype and reference the Proposal number.
- Providing backup documentation (i.e., invoice/expense report/payee communication etc.)
Bursar’s Office and OGC (Office of Grants and Contracts) are in partnership with processing payments received for restricted funds. If your cash receipt has funds 30,31,35 and 36 listed as the Speedtype, it will be processed by the Office of Grants and Contracts. If the department wants a receipt of check for restricted fund, drop off to Bursar Office and send request to OGC.4payments@ucdenver.edu. The OGC AR Team will post restricted funds accordingly.
Gift Funds (fund 34) Payment Process
For checks that are linked to the CU Foundation, please deposit directly to the CU Foundation.Meet the Billing Team
Among the teams in the Office of Grants and Contracts is the Billing Team who manages the billing for sponsored projects received at the Denver and Anschutz Medical campuses.
What We Do: Billing Specialists, like Post Award Administrators, are assigned by department. The Billing Team works closely with other units within the Office of Grants and Contracts as well as with our campus department partners and sponsor financial contacts performing specific tasks like securing allocations for sponsor templates, verifying final invoice figures, confirming and clarifying billing terms, and resolving billing matters.
The team acts as one of many levels of checks and balances to ensure awards meet the negotiated contract terms. Additionally, our team assists in managing the award expense lifecycle through accurate and timely invoicing and follow-through to ensure payment is received.
In addition to questions regarding billing and payment, please contact the billing team if you receive sponsor correspondence with an invoice template, a purchase order number, updated financial contact, and/or billing terms.
For continuity, please email your assigned Billing Specialist and copy OGC.Billing@ucdenver.edu on all billing communications. This inbox is monitored as a group and will ensure fastest response when team members are out of office.
- Newest Team Member: William ‘Billy’ Paradise
- Billing Manager: Julie Burger
- Billing Specialists:
- Collections: Ulzii Otgonbayar
- Student Workers:

* Team Talks Schedule
The next Team Talks session will be on August 24 at 10am. Please join us as we discuss the process for Closeouts. The close of a project is a shared responsibility that involves the Principal Investigator, Department Administrator, Fiscal Staff and the Office of Grants and Contracts Post Award Unit. In this session, we will discuss the closeout timeline, tools to help facilitate closeouts, how the process varies depending on the funding mechanism (i.e., contract type), and best practices for closing out sponsored projects. Register Here
* AVCR Awards Ceremony Reminder
The second annual University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus Research Awards Ceremony will be held at a live celebratory event on Tuesday, October 25, 2022. This ceremony celebrates faculty, staff and trainees who have made significant contributions in their field and to the campus research community. The deadline for nominations is Friday, August 26, 2022.* Conflict of Interest
Conflict of Interest disclosure period started Wednesday, August 10.
* Team Update
Nicole Porter
We are very pleased to announce that Nicole Porter has joined the Post Award team as a Post Award Administrator. She is a Colorado native, was a hairstylist for almost ten years and graduated from MSU Denver with a degree in Business. Her favorite activity is going to the zoo with her son. Welcome Nicole!
* Employment Opportunities
Interested individuals can review the posting in CU Careers.
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