OGC News - September 2022
Financial Services Connection
Sep 21, 2022OGC PREAWARD
COI Disclosure
This is a friendly reminder that the COI module is up and running for new disclosures and renewals. Please be aware that all COI disclosures received before 8/10/2022 are considered outdated. So, for new proposals, personnel must complete the disclosure before a grant proposal may be submitted to applicable sponsors. If there are any questions, please reach out to coi@ucdenver.edu.
InfoEd Proposal Status
For InfoEd proposal routings that are with PreAward for review you can look in the status history in InfoEd Proposal Tracking. The status will be indicated and in the comments section will be the person the proposal currently resides with along with possible notes.
DOD Pre-applications and Applications
For DOD proposals, there are instructions available on our website that outline the entire DOD proposal process including PI registration and submission of their pre-applications in the CDMRP eBRAP system.
Not all NIH Institutes and Centers participate in Parent Announcements. Applicants should carefully note which ICs participate in the announcement and view their respective areas of research interest and requirements at the Table of IC-Specific Information, Requirements, and Staff Contacts website linked in the funding announcement. ICs that do not participate in the announcement will not consider applications for funding. If the NIH institution you are applying to is not participating and you submit, it will not create an error at the submission stage but will be withdrawn by the division of receipt and referral when they try and assign your application for review.
To ensure timely submissions and avoid delays, please work with your assigned grant specialist within your department to plan your proposal submissions for federal deadlines occurring around this timeframe. Per the Grants.gov Team, this transition to the Cloud will allow for fewer Grants.gov maintenance outages, higher availability, and ensure a modern infrastructure to support future system enhancements. For more information, please visit the calendar. |
NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy: CRIO Website
Please see the link for the CRIO team’s website regarding the new NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy.
OGC will be partnering with CRIO to provide more guidance regarding CU’s adaption of the policy and how it impacts proposals soon.

REMINDER - Sponsored Project Trainings
We are pleased to announce a new set of advanced sponsored projects training courses offered by OGC. These courses are based on feedback from all of our campus partners over the last several years on what areas are a gap in training. The new courses will have either a pre-award or post-award track focus, with 4 new pre-award courses and 6 new post-award courses to start out.
These courses are intended for grant administrators who have already taken the original sponsored projects courses and have at least 6 months experience in a grant administrator role on campus. The courses build off of the previous trainings and are more hands on to help train on some of the day-to-day activities of a grant administrator. They include the following:
Pre-Award Track
- A60035 – SP: Pre-Award Essentials
- A60036 – SP: Budget Development
- A60037 – SP: InfoEd Routing
- A60038 – SP: RPPRs
Post-Award Track
- A60039 – SP: Postaward Essentials
- A60044 – SP: Accounting Basics
- A60040 – SP: Financial Reports
- A60042 – SP: Closeouts
- A60043 – SP: Cost Transfers
- A60041 – SP: Financial Projections
We have also developed a roadmap for new grant administrators to help provide guidance as to what courses are offered and when it is recommended that someone take those courses.
In addition, these courses will be required for new grant administrators starting in 2023. All of the sponsored projects courses will be required, and the advanced courses will be required based on whether someone is in a pre-award or post-award role.
New and current administrators will have one and half years to complete the requirements, but it is recommended that the courses be taken sooner. Each course will be offered at least two times a year on a fall and spring semester basis. We will track enrollment via Skillsoft.
To enroll in these courses via Skillsoft, visit the Skillsoft Help Page. If you have any questions, please reach out to Shane Jernigan.

Award and Project Closeouts
In case you missed it, please see the OGC website for our most recent Team Talks Session which was presented on Closeouts. This link contains both the slides and a recording of the session.
The closeout of a sponsored projects FOPPS is a shared responsibility. Different actions may be required for various types of awards/contracts. Please see the presentation for more information and work with your post award administrator as your projects come to an end.
What to do if you need something signed by the SO or AOR
While most submission documents require signature by a SO (Signing Official), there are also documents related to the continuation of an award, closeout of an award or adjustments to an award, those documents can typically be signed by an AOR (Authorized Organizational Representative)
We have team members in both Preaward/Contracts and Post Award that have this designation. When completing documents related to the closeout or monitoring of an award, please work with your post award administrator and they will work to get the correct approvals. Examples of these may be a final invention statement, a subcontract closeout document, NCE (No Cost Extension) requests, carryforward requests, confirmation of all payments received, etc. For more information on whom specifically has this authority, please see our webpage for Official Signing.
Team Talks Schedule
The next Team Talks session is scheduled on Tuesday, September 27 at 10:00am. The presentation will be a training on Gifts vs. Grants. This training will go over the key differences between Gifts and Grants in general, including process differences between the two as well as tri-party agreements (which are a hybrid of the two).Presenter: TK Keith, Director - PreAward, Contracting, and Fiscal Compliance
Team Update
- Yingfei Zhen
Please join us in congratulating Yingfei Zhen on her recent promotion to Contract Specialist. Yingfei will continue expanding her role within our outgoing subcontracts area and use her extensive drafting experience to assist with the review of our incoming FDP templates submitted in InfoEd. Congratulations Yingfei! - Lara Yeats
Lara joined the OGC Team this month as a Post Award Specialist. She brings with her over a decade of administrative experience and is very excited to be working at CU Anschutz. Lara will be finishing her MBA at the University of Northern Colorado in December 2022, has six brothers and one son in high school. She enjoys travelling (primarily to Mexico), excellent television, and walking her Chiweenie dog. - Nicola Koepnick
We are excited to announce Nicola Koepnick has recently joined the Award Setup team as a Sponsored Project Award Specialist. She grew up in St. Louis, MO and is happy to be returning to sunny Colorado after completing her MA degree in the Social Sciences. An avid reader and intrepid traveler, she was raised bilingual in German and loves trekking through forests with novels in her spare time.
* Employment Opportunities
Interested individuals can review the posting in CU Careers.- Post Award Specialist: job number 27124
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