OGC News - February 2023
Financial Services Connection
Feb 22, 2023
Got Contract Routing Questions?
Maybe you are…
- Unsure of the difference between our CRAO and OGC contracting teams
- Not sure what to include in an outgoing sub formstack submission or which budget template to submit with you request
- Confused about what a “fee for service” agreement is
- Want clarification on how we partner with Regulatory Compliance, CU Innovations, and CU Medicine during the contracting process
We know the contracting scheme at our university can seem complicated, so let us attend your next team meeting or set up some one-on-one time to clarify any common questions or issues you are facing. We’re here to help!
Please reach out to Liz Causey for more information.

Fiscal Roles
Fiscal Roles are used by Grants and Contracts for most post award communications and automated reports to our department partners; in addition, they drive access to certain transactions in Marketplace and Concur.
Sponsored Project Fiscal Roles include:
- Principle Investigator (PI) – This role is given based on the award notice. An update to this role requires sponsor approval.
- Fiscal Manager (GADM) – This role is for the department administrator who is largely responsible for the oversight of financial activity on the project. This role is used to burst OGC reports related to closeout of awards and projects.
- Fiscal Staff
In order to update these roles please send requests to OGC.FiscalRoles@ucdenver.edu We can accept requests in multiple formats.
All requests must include:
- Project ID
- Current name and employee ID
- New Name and employee ID
- Reason for the Change
Reports Available to pull Fiscal Role Info: For changes based on staff turnover, we recommend you use m-Fin Fiscal Role reports in CU-Data to find all the projects that need to be updated. You can also download that report to excel data and then modify to add the fields related to the employee we are changing to.
Navigation: A report to verify Fiscal Roles can be found in CU Data under Team Content > Finance > Look Ups m-Fin Fiscal Roles and m-Fin Fiscal Roles II.The information in this article can also be found on the OGC website.
Gifts Fund 34s - Gift Fund Management
CU Gift Fund Management training in SkillSoft is required training for anyone who works with gift funds. The Office of Grants and Contracts would like to remind departments and those who manage Gifts of the requirements and allowability when creating Cash Transfer Journal Entries (JE) that involve fund 34s.
- Gifts function on a Cash available basis.
- Gifts that link to the Foundation cannot transfer cash to another Gift Fund that is linked to the Foundation.
- Parent/Child Speedtypes
- The Parent is the only Speedtype that interacts with the Foundation.
- The Child Speedtype should only receive Cash from Parent Speedtype; the Funding source listed when Child Speedtype created.
- Must comply with the University’s Fund Transfer Rules.
It is strongly recommended that those who took Gift Management training more than two years ago, should complete the training again since the training module was recently updated. See CU: Gift Fund Management training in SkillSoft.
OGC Team Talks
Please join us for the next OGC Team Talks on Thursday, February 23, 11:30am – 1:00pm. We will be watching the recent NCURA webinar, Allocating Costs Effectively: How to Divide the Pie. REGISTER HERE
Welcome New Team Member, Marie AsherMarie Asher is joining the Accounts Receivable team as an AR Specialist. She is a Colorado native and mother of two sons, all born and raised in Aurora, CO. Marie has worked in Finance for nearly 20 years, eight of which were dedicated to CU’s SDM. During her free time, she loves to read, cook, and spend time outdoors to hike, kayak, and bike with her fiancé, and family.
Office of Grants and Contracts Physical Location NotificationOur 1st floor, west wing location in the Fitzsimons Building is currently under construction. The Office of Grants and Contracts (OGC) is temporarily located in the same building on the 5th floor, west wing in Suite W5130 during construction. While OGC continues to perform most services in a remote capacity, when we are on campus, we are working in this temporary space. We are still available via a variety of methods - refer to the OGC website (about halfway down the page).
No changes are needed to our mailing address as mail is not impacted, and we have posted notices for any FedEx drop off items to come to our temporary space. Thank you for your patience during this time.
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