OGC News - July 2024
Financial Services Connection
Jul 17, 2024
Outgoing Subaward / Subcontracts Updates & Efficiencies
We are introducing some new efficiencies into our outgoing subs process throughout the next couple months as we gear up for Subawarding and Subcontracting Season this fall.
As of 7/1/2024, we’ve made the following small updates to our process to align with the new fiscal year:
- We will use the formstack email you submit to process the sub from start to finish instead of generating new emails at each step in the process. This will ensure you originally submitted information is included in each stage of the request and will enhance tracking/searching functionality in Outlook.
- The subject line on this formstack email will be different than the one you are used to seeing when we return a draft, so if you have any Outlook Rules designed for incoming drafts we’ve completed for you be sure to update those rules.
Old subject line:
- PI_WANI_AMD2_5U01DK129191-03_UMICH_FY24.1035.046
New subject line:
- Example: MANSON_R01HL085980_FY25.1811.001_SUB_MGH
- This new subject line will remain static throughout the process. This means that our emails to Post Award that you are copied on will include this same subject line, and so will the email we return with the fully executed copy.
Keep an eye out for additional updates in the months to come!
Congratulations to the University's Newest Certified Research Administrator
The University would like to congratulate Andrew Lawler for passing the Certified Research Administrator (CRA) exam. Andrew is a life-cycle grants and contracts coordinator with ACCORDS.
Passing the CRA exam is a significant achievement and demonstrates an individual’s mastery of a wide body of knowledge in research administration. The CRA exam is a national standardized exam that is offered twice a year, generally in May and November. Additional information about the CRA exam can be found on the Research Administrator Certification Council (RACC) website.
The University provides a free 12-week CRA exam prep course available to all employees. The next course will begin in August and end shortly before the testing window in November. Since the University began the prep course, all employees who have completed the course and sat for the exam have passed.
If you are interested in the training course, or have any questions about the CRA exam, please feel free to email Shane Jernigan.
Sponsored Project Training Programs - Fall 2024
We are pleased to announce that registration for the instructor-led sponsored projects training courses for Fall 2024 is now open in SkillSoft. The courses will be offered via Zoom and are open to all employees. These courses are particularly recommended for new employees at the University and to employees new to sponsored research.
Course information can be found on the OGC Training website. Registration, course descriptions and time and date offerings for each course are found on SkillSoft.
If you have questions about how register, you can visit the Skillsoft Help Page. Please feel free to email Shane Jernigan if you have questions about the sponsored training program.
Skillsoft Percipio - COMING SOON!
On August 22, 2024, Skillsoft will upgrade to Percipio. Percipio is a modern, up-to-date learning management system (LMS) that enables users to find required training and additional learning opportunities. This change will not impact the current sponsored project training catalog. All courses will migrate to the new system for Fall 2024 sessions.
To stay up to date with changes and the current timeline, please visit this website.

Fiscal Year End 2024
Thank you to everyone for all your hard work, responses and support during the fiscal year end 1st and 2nd close for 2024!
All campuses experienced some issues at the system level related to PETS, FNA charges, and Revenue. Certain transactions approved during the closing period were hitting July and should have been booked to June. Corrections have all since been made in period 996 by the University system office. The incorrectly dated transactions have reversed out of July and moved correctly to June. If your project was impacted, you will see some activity booked and reversed in July financial details. You will also see a mismatch between Direct and Indirect charges through Period 12 FY 2024.
As a reminder, please make sure that when you are running reports or pulling data for June 2024 that you always include the current closing period, i.e. 996, 997, and 998. M-fin CU-DATA reports should default to the current 2024 period until after the final fiscal year-end close.
If you have questions about specific transactions, please contact your post award administrator.
OGC Team Talks
Mark your calendar! The next OGC Team Talks session will be on August 15, 2024 at 10:30am. The Contracts Team will provide a refresher session on all things contracts. Click HERE to register.
Session slides and recording are available online for the June 2024 Team Talks on Post Award Hot Topics.
Post Award Team Update
We want to welcome our newest member to OGC’s Post Award team. Jenn Griffis joined Julie Burger’s team last month as a Post Award Specialist. Jenn spent the past 13 years at the Pima Medical Institute in Colorado Springs and has a total of 18 years in higher education. Jenn holds a bachelor’s degree from UCCS and when not in the office she enjoys spending time with her family.
Conflict of Interest
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