OGC News - December 2019
Financial Services Connection
Dec 1, 2019InfoEd Search Tips
When searching for records in InfoEd, users can now select whether to do a Contains, Exact Match, or Wildcards type search for certain search fields. These can be changed by clicking on the Gray box on the left side of the search box of the search field. Note that when doing a Wildcard search, the wildcard must still be typed in the search box before or after the search text after selecting that search type.

Resolving Display Issues in InfoEd
With the recent upgrade of InfoEd, some users have reported display issues or other inconsistent behavior, particularly around the landing page after logging in. Users who experience these formatting issues upon login should clear their browser cache if they have not done so since the upgrade as this should resolve the issues. Instructions on how to do this in common browsers can be found here.
Year-end Recognition Reporting
1099 Reporting for Study Subjects
If you administer a gift card or petty cash program where participants received more than $100 in incentive payments during the 2019 calendar year, you must complete the 1099MISC spreadsheet.
The first line of the spreadsheet is an example; please delete this example line before submitting the information to PSC. No further amendments to the format may be made. Once the template is completed, please send the 1099MISC spreadsheet via SECURE email to Mai Ngo no later than 5:00pm on January 7, 2019.
Marketplace Update - Invoice Image
Have you had trouble opening invoice images when approving vouchers in Marketplace? Good news - the PSC recently upgraded to a new platform for ImageNow (the software that lets you look at images of invoices attached to vouchers). With this new platform, you can open up invoice images much easier! Just click on the Invoice Image link in the bottom right of the voucher screen.
Note: Invoices that were uploaded in the previous version of the software still require Java and Internet Explorer. If you can’t open an image, take a look at the Accounting Date – you’ll find this field in the top right of the voucher screen. The accounting date is the date that the voucher was entered, which means that it’s the date that the invoice was uploaded. If this date is before June 24, 2019, the invoice was uploaded through the previous ImageNow.
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