Alert: The Plaza Building will remain closed through Jan. 20, 2025.

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General Guidance for Researchers

Biological Safety works to ensure compliance with all federal, state, and local regulations, and provides guidance for activities at the university employing: 

  • Recombinant nucleic acids Infectious agents
  • Potentially infectious materials
  • Select agents or toxins
  • Other biological hazards
Biological Safety personnel sit on both the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC), which reviews and approves research protocols that use these materials, and the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), which reviews and approves research protocols involving the care and use of animals in research.

​​The Hazardous Materials division promotes the safe use, management, and disposal of chemicals through outreach activities and assistance to the research community. Working to build strong relationships with researchers and students ensures compliance with the appropriate federal, state, and local regulatory requirements for laboratory and general environmental applications.

The Occupational Health division promotes a safe work environment for all by focusing on promotion of health, prevention of illness and injury, and protection from occupational hazards. We provide an integrated approach to delivery of quality occupational health medical surveillance and clinical services, such as health hazard assessment, injury/illness investigation, vaccines and bloodwork, and assuring compliance with legal, regulatory and ethical standards. The Occupational Health division advocates for all, fostering safe and healthy environments in which to work. 

*If you are a new employee, researcher, PRA, post-doc or student working in the lab or vivarium, you will need to enroll in the Occupational Health Program.

Radiation Safety provides services to campus laboratories regarding radioactive material (RAM) compliance, radioactive waste management, procurement of radioactive materials, and radiation safety training. Radiation Safety works in conjunction with other EHS divisions to maintain and provide services for all biomedical research needs.

​Research Safety & Industrial Hygiene provides guidance, services, and training covering laboratory safety, indoor air quality, exposure controls and personal protective equipment.
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