Occupational Health Medical Surveillance Enrollment

Workers must enroll in the EHS Occupational Health Medical Surveillance Program if they:

  • Interact with animals, animal waste, or animal tissues
  • Enter the vivarium
  • Work with:

- Human blood, tissues, cells or cell lines          - Anti-neoplastic drugs

- Infectious agents                                              - Teratogens/carcinogens 

- Formaldehyde                                                  - Radioactive materials

- Anesthetic gases                                              - Lasers

Initial Enrollment

To enroll in EHS medical surveillance for the first time, complete the three steps outlined below and submit your documents via email to Occupational.Health@cuanschutz.edu.

EHS Occupational Health Initial Medical Surveillance enrollment is considered complete once your screening appointment is finished. After the initial enrollment, workers must complete the Annual Medical Surveillance Questionnaire (linked below) yearly or with changes to their work.

Complete the Initial Medical Surveillance Questionnaire. (NoteMust have PI/Supervisor's signature before submitting.)

Go to the Questionnaire

There is no national organization that maintains vaccination information. Here are two resources that may help you locate your records: 

To schedule an initial medical screening appointment, please complete and download an Appointment Form:

    Go to the Appointment Form



    Note: Your EHS Occupational Health Initial Medical Surveillance enrollment is considered complete once the appointment is finished. 

    Required Annual Re-enrollment

    When the initial medical surveillance enrollment is complete, all workers are required to complete the Annual Medical Surveillance Questionnaire every year and/or with any changes to their work.

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