Radioactive Waste Disposal

Request a Waste Pickup

  • Submit a completed RAM Waste Pickup Request to​. An EHS staff member will be in contact within 48 hours to schedule a pickup. 
  • Additionally, for mixed waste submit a completed RAM Mixed Waste Disposal Form
  • If immediate action is required, contact EHS at 303-724-0109. Be prepared to provide:
    • names of PI and requestor
    • phone and email address
    • location of waste
    • types and number of waste containers


  • Radioactive waste must be in appropriate container (dry, aqueous, etc.).
  • Only EHS-issued Radioactive Waste Tickets (or copies), provided at the time of material delivery, will be accepted.
  • Waste Tickets with RSO number present must accompany every waste stream.
  • Ensure that waste items are properly labeled such as Mixed Waste or Hazardous Scintillation Vial waste with orange Mixed Waste Label.

During Pickup

  • EHS will inspect the waste for any non-comforming items
  • EHS also reviews the following pertaining to the RAM to be disposed:
    • Accounting Sheets and Waste Tickets (provided at time of material delivery).
    • Radiological Survey Form in accordance with the hazard classification.


  • Supplies, such as extra containers, radioactive waste trash bags or missing paperwork may be requested by sending an email to
  • EHS will provide empty containers to replace any full containers taken during the waste pickup, unless otherwise directed.
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