Alert: The Plaza Building will remain closed through Jan. 20, 2025.

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Radiation Worker Monitoring

Certain employees who work in radiation areas or handle radioactive materials must wear dosimeters to monitor exposure. Refer to the Dosimetry Issuance Guidelines to determine need. 

Submit the Dosimetry Service Request to establish service.

Submit the Dosimetry Service Change Request to cancel service.

Send both forms to

When using dosimetry

  • Dosimeters may only be used by worker to whom they are issued
  • Wear monitor closest to and facing the source. See Care and Use of Radiation Dosimetry Badge LINKED.
  • Report lost or damaged dosimeters to EHS, noting summary of use before loss

Dosimeters are exchanged monthly or quarterly. Labs may be charged for non-returned dosimeters.


More information


  • EHS can provide routine types of bioassay measurements required by license, including urine bioassays and measurements of gamma and x-rays emitted by radioiodine in the thyroid.
  • Bioassay is required depending on type of isotope, monthly usage limit, volatility, and use.
  • See Bioassay Requirements for further information. The scheduling of bioassay measurements will be determined individually on a case-by-case basis.


Those performing iodination, or handling unbound forms in other ways, must notify EHS, 303-724-0345, so that a thyroid bioassay can be scheduled 48 - 72 hours after each labeling or other use.

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