Billing & Accounts Receivable

Grant and Contract Billings

Billing Section is responsible for managing grant and contract billing activities and appropriate follow-up for past due invoices. OGC is responsible for monitoring the billing for all awards where and invoice or action are required for payment. This includes Cost Reimbursable projects and Fixed Projects with the exception of non-federal Clinical Trials. It is the responsibility of the department conducing the research to complete invoices and or actions required for payment.  

  • The Billing section uses the contract/award and sponsor policy to determine the billing requirements. 
  • Billing most frequently occurs on a monthly basis, however there are sponsors that will only accept invoices quarterly. 
  • Cost Reimbursable – These are projects that are billed based on expenses. Therefore, transactions are billed in the next billing cycle after posting to the GL.
  • Fixed Rate or Price invoices – These often require input from the department to determine when and how much to bill. If you have a fixed project it is highly advisable that you reach out to your billing specialist to discuss the billing. For these types of projects, billing will reach out on a monthly or quarterly basis, to determine if activities have taken place that will result in billable activity. 

For questions related to billing contact:

Shanelle Roquemore

Accounts Receivable Manager
  • Office of Grants and Contracts


Primary Phone:303-724-0260

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