Fall 2021 Responsible Conduct of Research Series Begins This Week
Aug 27, 2020To ensure that our virtual seminars satisfy the NIH Requirement for Instruction in the Responsible Conduct of Research, please note the following:
- RCR trainings run 90 minutes to allow for a full hour of instruction, plus time for discussion and facilitation.
- Attending any 8 out of the 9 RCR seminars we offer will satisfy the NIH training requirement.
- Training must be refreshed every 4 years and at least once per career phase.
- A cycle of 9 seminars will be offered each fall and each spring. We will offer 2 RCR sessions per month rather than having a single session per month and a make-up week in the summer. You may spread completion across multiple cycles.
- Because the NIH requirements for RCR training specify face-to-face discussion, attendees will need to keep their cameras on throughout the session.
- Get ready for interaction! We’ll be discussing the concepts, taking polls during the session, and distributing an electronic attendance sheet during class.