Tip of the Week - What Happens when a ClinicalTrials.gov Record Owner Leaves their Position?
Apr 30, 2020
PIs at CU Denver/Anschutz Medical Campus are the ClinicalTrials.gov record owners for their investigator-initiated trials registered on ClinicalTrials.gov. As record owners, PIs are responsible for ensuring that their records are maintained and (if required) that results are submitted, even if they leave their position.
- PIs must transfer their ClinicalTrials.gov records with them when they arrive at or depart from the institution.
- If a PI is retiring, they must ensure that their ClinicalTrials.gov records are in compliance and that all required study results have been submitted, or that responsibilities for maintaining the records and submitting results have been transferred to an appropriate party.
The Clinical Research Support Center can assist with record transfers. Please contact us at ClinicalResearchSupportCenter@UCDenver.edu or 303-724-1111.
For help compiling or posting statistical results data, set up an appointment with our staff ClinicalTrials.gov biostatistician, Bryan McNair.