Record Owners and Responsible Parties
The P.I. and the University
Jan 28, 2021
For University of Colorado Denver | Anschutz records, the following should always apply:
- The Principal Investigator is the Record Owner
- The University is the Sponsor and Responsible Party
The Record Owner defaults to whomever registers the study. If the study P.I. is NOT listed as the record owner, contact and an administrator will update the information.
PRAs, statisticians, and other study staff can be granted access to the record by the P.I. or an administrator. If you would like help adding study staff to the record access list or getting them set up with an account, contact
The Record Owner is listed on the Record Summary page (top left).
The Sponsor and Responsible Party are listed in the Sponsors/Collaborators module under the Protocol section. Other funders should be listed as Collaborators.