Tax-Free Ethanol

​​Tax-free eth​anol is available for purchase by researchers on the Anschutz and Denver campuses.

New prices effective November 1, 2022




5 gal$80.90
1 gal$19.20
1 pint$3.34



5 gal$78.55
1 gal$18.95
Tax-free ethanol agreement: Every person purchasing tax-free ethanol needs to submit a signed tax-free ethanol agreement.  This is a one-time requirement and the signed agreement can be brought in at the time of purchase or it can be emailed ahead of time.

​When and where: Tuesdays from 10 - 11 a.m. in Research 2, Room 1303 (next to the mail room at the loading dock)


  • Person receiving purchase must: 
    • Present a valid campus ID
    • Present a valid driver's license
    • Be at least 21-years-old ​
  • Provide a valid speedtype at time of purchase


  • Submit a Denver Campus Tax-Free Ethanol Order Form to purchase
  • Delivery will be arranged
  • Person receiving purchase must
    • Present a valid campus ID
    • Present a valid driver's license 
    • Be at least 21-years-old​
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