EHS on the Denver Campus

On the CU Denver campus, ​​EHS provides guidance, services, and training to safeguard the health of the campus community, and to help important research stay on track. 

Refer to the EHS pages listed below for other information relevant to both campuses. 

Researchers can purchase tax-free eth​anol on the Denver Campus. Here's how:

  1. Submit the Tax-Free Ethanol Agreement 
  2. Submit to EHS a CU Denver campus Tax-Free Ethanol Order Form​ to purchase
  3. Delivery will be arranged by the EHS compliance team. There must be someone present at the purchasing location to receive the delivery.
  4. Person receiving purchase must:          
    • Show CU Denver ID Badge         
    • Show a valid driver's license or other age-verification ID         
    • Be at least 21 years old 



5 gallon$80.90
1 gallon$19.20



5 gallon$80.90
1 gallon$18.95


Denver Campus students and employees must complete EHS training in Skillsoft satisfy to requirements imposed by internal and external regulators. This training is required for employees, their supervisors, and others – including volunteers, non-paid personnel, and other non-employee lab members – who have access to clinics or labs.

If you cannot access SkillSoft, contact EHS.

Emergencies and Incident Reporting


The Auraria Higher Education Center (AHEC) administers EHS Assistant, the online chemical inventory system used at the CU Denver Campus. All chemical owners must track their inventories using this system. ​ 

Contact AHEC Safety Office​ for instructions and access.

Submit a completed Denver Campus Chemical Waste Pickup Request​ to schedule a pickup of chemical waste.​

All those who generate chemical waste must remain current in Chemical Waste Management training in Skillsoft.

Satellite Accumulation Area inspections must be conducted and documented weekly.

Hazardous Waste LabelAll hazardous waste containers must be labeled with Hazardous Waste stickers which include Globally Harmonized System pictograms indicating the hazards present (shown).

Containers that are not included on the Denver Campus Chemical Waste Pickup Request will not be collected.

Unknown chemical waste containers will be assessed a $25 processing fee per container.

See Management and Disposal of Chemical Waste for further information.​

Contact Information

Shauna-Kay Walder

Environmental Health Specialist
  • Environmental Health and Safety (Regulatory Compliance)


Primary Phone:303-724-1272

Alt Phone:303-315-7539

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