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Tips for Protocol Amendments

If you are amending to add personnel, please send a completed signed PQ form for each to

IACUC Amendment meetings are held twice each month. Please see our meeting deadlines and schedule.

The goals of the amendment have to fit under the Scientific Goals of the protocol. Do not change the Scientific Goals to fit your amendment goals. If the goals of your amendment do not fit under the approved Scientific Goals, you will need to submit a new protocol. If you have any questions please contact


Do not start experiments proposed in the amendment until it has been approved by the IACUC. You will receive a purple disposition sheet once the amendment has been approved. If you do start without IACUC approval, then you are in violation of your protocol

How to write an amendment in Cayuse:


Log into Cayuse and click on the Animal Oversight portion of the Mailbox

Make sure you are in “Protocol Actions”

From your List of Approved Protocols, click on the protocol you want to amend to turn it blue

Click on the tab “Start an Amendment”.

In the section labeled, “Please summarize the significant changes you are proposing in this  amendment request and provide scientific justification for the changes”, please put the following:

  1. What you are adding to/changing on the protocol. Please make this brief. Put the details  in Description of Procedures in the main protocol.
  2. Why you making the addition/change
  3. Number of animals you are adding to the protocol with a brief explanation as to why you  need that many, i.e. 45 experimental, 4 breeders, 45 euthanized weanlings.

Click on “Amend Protocol”


If the amendment includes adding sections not previously in the Table of Contents, you will have to check more items in the Options section (the first section in the TOC).

Do not unclick anything that was previously checked!

Regarding Strains


As you are going through every section, make the necessary changes to the protocol that are  needed with the amendment like adding a new chemical agent, updating animal numbers, and  updating the Description of Procedures. 

Don’t forget that the strain list in your protocol is directly connected to animal ordering, so if you  are adding a new Jackson Lab strain and you don’t add it, you won’t be able to order it. 

Also regarding strains, if you are getting the strain from a collaborator on campus, please use the  exact strain name other PI uses on their protocol. If you don’t, it will delay transfer requests. Ignore Non-Surgical Procedures. Put any new procedures – surgical and non-surgical – into  Description of Procedures.

Regarding Radioactive/Chemical Agents

Regarding Radioactive/Chemical Agents, when looking for the agent make sure you use  “contains” in the search parameters. You can search by CAS# by choosing Agent Abbrv.  Here are some other things to remember: 

  • Is it an antibody? List it as the type of antibody i.e. Rabbit immunoglobins/Antibodies  and put the name of the antibody in the Description of Procedures 
  • Is it a peptide? Just select “Peptide” and put the name of the peptide in the Description of  Procedures 
  • Is it a recombinant protein? Just select “Recombinant Protein” and put the name of the protein in the Description of Procedures. 
  • Is it a cell line? That’s an IBC agent. Just put the cell line in the Description of  Procedures 
  • Is it a bacterium? That’s an IBC agent. Just put the virus in the Description of Procedures. 
  • Is it a virus? That’s an IBC agent. Just put the virus in the Description of Procedures 
  • Is it a chunk of DNA or RNA? That’s an IBC agent. Just put it in the Description of  Procedures

Additional Information

If your new agent doesn’t fit any of the above and it not in the list, send the SDS of the agent to and tell her that’s it’s for an amendment. 

For the added chemical, click on it to turn it blue and then click on “Edit Agent”. Fill out the  information on the page that appears and then click on “Save”. 

In the section Animal Numbers and Categories, you will need to update your attached animal spreadsheet.  

Download the “Animal Numbers Spreadsheet for Cayuse Protocol Submission”. Fill it out for the animal numbers for this amendment and attach it to the protocol at the bottom of the Animal  Numbers and Categories page. If you already have an animal numbers spreadsheet attached to the protocol, just add to it, save it, and re-attach it. 

Only the PI can submit the amendment. 

If you need to go back to the Amendment Reason section, it's located at the bottom of the Table of Contents at the left.  

Please remember, when you amend your protocol, just add, do not delete. The IACUC will just ask you to put it back in. 

If you have any trouble with Cayuse, please contact

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