Respiratory Protection Program


Some working environments and processes require the use of respiratory protection. See the Respirator Types​ ​document for information on the protection offered by various respirators. Contact EHS for a risk assessment regarding the type of respiratory protection you may need.

Fit Testing Requirements

Step 1: Medical Clearance

For Initial Fit Test

Complete and submit to Occupational Health:       

a. Initial Medical Surveillance Questionnaire

b. Initial Respiratory Clearance Form

c. Respirator Medical Evaluation Questionnaire​​​​

Arrange an appointment to be seen at the Occupational Health Clinic by completing this form, or call  303-724-9145. (If the above forms cannot be emailed      ahead of time, hard copies may be  submitted during this appointment.)  ​​     ​

For Annual Fit Test  

Submit completed Annual Respiratory Protection Clearance form to RSIH.​

Step 2: Training

Complete the appropriate respiratory protection training in Skillsoft

Step 3: Fit Test

RSIH will make contact to schedule a respirator fit test.​

EHS Training infographic
EHS web training infographic


Groups adopting use of PAPRs for the first time must contact RSIH to register this status and arrange for proper training. Although annual fit testing is not required, annual in-person training is required and will be arranged with the participating department.

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