Compass Orientation is designed to foster a successful collaboration and to ensure that we get you the requested data in an efficient manner.
Learn who we are, what we offer, and what is needed for a custom data request. This will be a 60-minute remote session. Please schedule a time that is convenient for you through our booking page below.
Please schedule a time that is convenient for you through our booking page.
Learn the types of data available in Electronic Health Records and common methods/best practices for applying EHR data to answer clinical and biological research questions: EHR Data Fall 2020 - Laura Wiley.
You can find other overview seminars featuring topics involving “big data” via the Colorado School of Public Health - Big Data Seminars.
The Center for Innovative Design and Analysis (CIDA) offers comprehensive collaboration from study design to statistical and data science analytics.
CIDA offers a free, one-hour consultation to answer general study design or analysis questions.