Research Rx Team

One lead pharmacist is assigned to each research team and study within the research pharmacy.

Sam Ellis PharmD, BCPS, CDE

Associate Professor, Director CU Research Pharmacy
Sue Finstrom

Susan Finstrom BScPharm RPh

Senior Clinical Instructor, Non-sterile Compounding Services

Jill Hueckman

Research Pharmacy Professional

Susie Lee

Clinical Senior Instructor

Bobby Owen

Research Pharmacy Professional

To support the discovery and innovation of research in the outpatient setting; promote an efficient, safe, collaborative, compliant research environment; and engage investigators and stakeholders across the CU Anschutz campus.

To support and facilitate CU Anschutz research efforts into new therapeutic agents to improve human health.

For general questions or support, please email our team, and we will get back to you within 48 hours. 

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