OGC News - December 2023
Financial Services Connection
Dec 18, 2023
Spring 2024 Sponsored Projects Training Schedule
The spring sessions of the Sponsored Project and Financial Administration Workshop training courses are now posted in Skillsoft. The first training begins on January 22, 2023. All courses are instructor-led and taught from 12p-1p on their respective dates. Below is a full listing of courses:
Sponsored Projects Training | Financial Administration Workshop |
Contracting at the University (A60024) | Accounting Basics (A60044) |
Cost Principles (A60015) | Budget Development (A60036) |
Introduction to 2 CFR 200 (A60026) | Closeout (A60042) |
Introduction to NIH GPS (A60027) | Cost Transfers (A60043) |
Introduction to Sponsored Projects (A60014) | Financial Projections (A60041) |
Post Award Admin for Sponsored Projects (A60017) | Financial Reports (A60040) |
PreAward Admin for Sponsored Projects (A60016) | InfoEd Budgeting and Routing (A60037) |
Subrecipient Monitoring (A60030) | NIH RPPR (A60038) |
Post Award Essentials (A60039) | |
PreAward Essentials (A60035) |
Course descriptions and additional information can be found in Skillsoft. Questions? Please reach out to Shane Jernigan.
1099 Reporting for Study Subjects
The 1099/W-9 Reporting deadline for Calendar Year 2023 (1/1/2023 – 12/31/2023) is end of business January 5, 2024. All Gift Card or Petty Cash Fund programs that have paid individuals over $100 during the calendar year must complete this reporting.
Contact pcgc@ucdenver.edu with any questions.
Effort Certifications Due
Recently, we were subject to an internal audit related to effort reporting. One issue we continue to run into is late effort certifications (i.e., over 120 days). We must stress the importance of timely certification.
The most recent semester of effort reports was released in early September for the Summer 2023 semester, June-August. Those effort reports are now approaching 120 days, so if you have not certified your report yet, please submit certification as soon as possible.
For more information about Effort Reporting, you can visit our OGC website and/or review the Team Talks we gave on this subject in September 2023.
Note: We recently made corrections to some federal flowthrough projects which were not correctly reflecting that the NIH Salary cap applied, if an original certification did not include the effort at the capped rate, you may be required to recertify some older reports with these changes. If the employee's original certification was sufficient no updates will be needed.
Relinquishment / Transfer of an Award
The change of institution, or change of recipient organization, is the transfer of the legal and administrative responsibility for a grant-supported project or activity from one legal entity to another before the completion date of the approved project period. A relinquishment transfers an award and returns funds back to the sponsor giving up the awarded Institutions right to the funding. If another Institution takes over the award, the sponsor re-issues the award as a new award to that Institution since it is not a transfer directly from the awarded Institution to the new Institution. With a relinquishment, timing is critical. NIH requires prior approval and expects to be notified at least three months prior to the date of transfer. Any notification after this time could cause delays that could adversely impact research. The Office of Grants and Contracts (OGC) recommends that departmental administrators collaborate closely with transferring Principal Investigators (PI) to proactively gather and communicate information to ensure a seamless transition. It is the PI's responsibility to work with his/her department to initiate the relinquishment process prior to the expiration of the approved project period, as well as prior to the anticipated start date at the new institution.
The relinquishment/award transfer is a two-step process where the awarded institution must submit a relinquishing statement through eRA Commons, and the receiving institution must submit an application via Grants.gov using the Parent Funding Opportunity Announcement listed.
The ”Relinquishment and Transfer of an Award” information and FP 4-16 Sponsored Project Transfer form has been updated on our website. You can find the updates on the A-Z tab under “Relinquishment/Transfer of an Award” or by going to the Award Cycle tab “Postaward Management>Relinquishment and Award Transfer>Links and Resources".
New Reporting Page to Launch on Grants and Contracts Website
The Office of Grants and Contracts (OGC) provides a suite of standard reports available through CU-Data and can be accessed in the UCDAccess portal. To foster greater awareness of these reports and provide guidance on their uses and purpose, OGC has launched a new section on its website that details available reports and includes documentation detailing the purpose of individual reports and guidance on their use.
The available reports use data from the InfoEd and Peoplesoft systems and cover various grants and contracts data. Examples include such things as awards by department, projects and Speedtypes data from PeopleSoft, and InfoEd general record data for proposals. Many reports provide various ways of searching for or filtering the data such as Deadline Date ranges, Sponsors, PIs (Principal Investigators), and Org(s) or department(s).
These reports are in addition to the finance reports available through CU-Data and are not intended for GL transaction data. Questions and feedback should be directed to Grant Garceau, Data & Reporting Program Manager.
Team Talks
The next session will be in January 2024. Details are forthcoming.
If you missed last month's presentation on Closeouts, please review the materials and the recording which are posted online. It was a great session and we encourage you to take time to review the slides and recording.
Office of Grants and Contracts Physical Location Notification
Our 1st floor, west wing location in the Fitzsimons Building is currently under construction. The Office of Grants and Contracts (OGC) is temporarily located in the same building on the 5th floor, west wing in Suite W5130 during construction. While OGC continues to perform most services in a remote capacity, when we are on campus, we are working in this temporary space. We are still available via a variety of methods - refer to the OGC website (about halfway down the page).
No changes are needed to our mailing address as mail is not impacted, and we have posted notices for any FedEx drop off items to come to our temporary space. Thank you for your patience during this time.
There are no changes for physical checks. Those should be taken to the Bursar’s Office with a completed cash receipt and not left in OGC's physical location. The Bursar's Office is located in Ed2 North, 3rd floor.
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