The CU Anschutz Medical Campus leadership, the University of Colorado's federal relations team and legal counsel are working closely to monitor the transitions and to better understand the potential impacts on our research community. We are committed to updating the campus community as early and as often as possible whenever definitive changes can be communicated.
Learn moreVolume 5, Issue 3
Dear Research Colleagues,
As summer is in full swing and fiscal year 2024 comes to a close, I know we are all busy. I wanted to take a moment to recognize and thank Dean Reilly for his contributions to the campus during his tenure as Dean of the School of Medicine. Working with Dean Reilly has been remarkable and rewarding. Thank you for your wonderful support and advancement of the campus research mission.
Next week is a short week with the July 4th holiday, and our campus welcomes John H. Sampson, MD, PhD, MHSc, MBA as he begins his work as the newly appointed Dean of the School of Medicine.
Please provide us with your feedback and suggestions to our office by emailing:
Happy Springtime in Colorado,
Thomas Flaig, MD
Vice Chancellor for Research
Assistant Vice Chancellor, Clinical Research Operations
The IND/IDE Program at CU Anschutz has been supporting locally held INDs and IDEs for the past year. It is now mandatory that all FDA communications and submissions for new investigator-initiated studies be managed through either the IND/IDE Office or the Cancer Center’s OCRST team. It is recommended to reach out and engage with the IND/IDE Program as early as possible, so they can help define the regulatory strategy, provide input on feasibility and connect investigators with other support entities necessary to successfully setup FDA regulated research studies. Please contact the IND/IDE program by completing their Triage Intake Form. You may also use the form to request a meeting for consultation on a project.
Assistant Vice Chancellor, CCTSI
The CCTSI is excited to announce our annual CU-CSU CCTSI Summit that will take place August 13, 2024, in the Elliman Conference Center on the second floor of the Anshutz Heath Sciences Building. The topic will be Research Innovations in Health AI. In addition to keynote presentations, we will have a poster session along with breakout sessions. Registration for the conference is open. Once the agenda is finalized, we will post it online here. Clinical research is key to the mission of the CCTSI. As such, we are excited to announce three new leaders who will help us lead critical functions of our clinical research program. Read more about Drs. Messacar, Nokoff and Baker here.
Are you familiar with NIH Extramural NEXUS? This is a great source of news and information for NIH published by the Office of Extramural Research. The newsletter features updates from Michael Lauer, NIH Deputy Director for Extramural Research, other tops stories, events, webinars, ask and answer sections, and tips for submission. The most current issues featured Updates to training grant applications, Congruence Review for studies involving Vertebrate Animals, Data Management and Sharing information and much more. If you are not already subscribed to receive their monthly newsletter, click here to subscribe.
Assistant Vice Chancellor, Office of Laboratory Animal Resources
OLAR and the zebrafish care team hosted another successful Biomedical Research Awareness Day (BRAD) event on April 18th. This celebration of the essential role of animals in scientific and medical discoveries has become an annual tradition on the CU Anschutz campus, open to all members of our campus community. This year’s brunch-n-learn webinar, “The Importance of Animals in Addressing the Drug Abuse Crisis” featured Professor Charles France from UT Health San Antonio, who shared his research into treating substance use disorders and took us into the facility to see the animals doing behavior tasks on a touchscreen and choosing their favorite treats from research staff. Attendees enjoyed a late morning snack and raffle items like swag bags and gift cards. If you would like to watch the webinar or learn more about Biomedical Research Awareness Day please visit or contact the local planning team at We hope that you will join us in Spring 2025 for our campus’ 6th annual BRAD Celebration!
The Conflict of Interest (COI) disclosure period will begin August 7, 2024. As a result, the disclosure form will be unavailable July 19th – August 6th.
For personnel hired or promoted into an applicable job code after July 19, 2024, the COI Disclosure is due within 60 days of the hire or job change. For all other covered individuals, the COI Disclosure is due October 31, 2024. Anyone with questions regarding the disclosure information are encouraged to submit as soon as possible. For more information, visit the COI website and questions should be directed to
We are pleased to announce that Catherine (Cat) Sutherland is the new Director of Clinical Research Administration. In this role, Cat will oversee the utilization of electronic data capture, OnCore, eReg, and how the systems work together in coordination with the Zendesk helpdesk system and the Human Subject Research Portal. She will also work to ensure that these systems meet the business needs for the approval of clinical research and continued compliance during the lifespan of clinical research studies.
Prior to taking on this new role, Cat was COMIRB’s Assistant Director, a position which she held since 2017. Before coming to CU Anschutz, she lived in Massachusetts and was an Associate Chair for the Partners Healthcare IRB. Cat is very excited to continue working with the other departments within the Office of Vice Chancellor for Research, as well as study teams, campus partners, and affiliate institutions. Please join us in congratulating Cat on this new role!
Assistant Vice Chancellor, Research Development and Strategy
CU Anschutz was designated as a spoke of the ARPA-H Investor Catalyst Hub, a national network of researchers, entrepreneurs, and investors positioned to scale health research and the venture investment ecosystem, disrupt traditional care models, and affordably bring solutions to market. Coordinated by CU Innovations, our designation reflects our capabilities in research, innovation, and patient care, and qualifies CU Anschutz to apply for additional ARPA-H contracts not available to the broader community. As a spoke of the ARPA-H Customer Experience Hub, as well, CU Anschutz is affiliated with all current ARPA-H member networks. Visit the Office of Research Development and Strategy website for the latest ARPA-H and other updates. Inquiries about CU Anschutz's involvement in the Investor Catalyst Hub can be directed to Dr. Gali Baler.
Colorado Child Health Research Institute
Children’s Hospital Colorado announced the launch of the Colorado Child Health Research Institute in partnership with University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus. The institute functions will include research strategy and administration, research operations administration, research education, regulatory affairs, research business services, internal grant awards, clinical research contracting, and research informatics and data science. The Colorado Child Health Research Institute intends to work with research teams from dozens of specialties, programs, and centers on campus.
Navigating Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Support at CU Anschutz
The newly launched CUBE resource is designed to help you connect with biostatistics and data science expert resources at CU Anschutz that best aligns with your scientific needs. This is a joint effort between the Center for Innovative Design and Analysis, the Child Health Biostatistics Core (CHBC), the Cancer Center Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Shared Resource (BBSR), and the Adult & Child Center for Outcomes Research & Delivery Science (ACCORDS) in partnership with the Research Informatics Office (RIO). Connect with your stats team today.
University of Colorado Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Invites You to Register for the 2024 Colorado Protein Stability Conference – 30th Anniversary
Protein stability is important in numerous disciplines, ranging from fundamental and applied protein biophysics to basic and medical biochemistry to pharmaceutical sciences. However, it is rare that researchers from all of the relevant areas can join together to discuss the critical issues in the field in a more relaxed setting. Since 1994, Colorado Protein Stability Conferences have provided unique opportunities for this exchange of information.
The topics that will be covered during the 2024 Conference include: protein structure, thermodynamic stability, folding, and dynamics; stability of AAV vectors; amyloidosis and protein aggregation; engineering protein therapeutics; protein-excipient interactions; characterization of protein particles and new advances in the processing of therapeutic proteins. The scientific sessions will consist of plenary lectures by leading researchers from both academia and the pharmaceutical industry. To foster exchange of information, attendance will be limited to the first 200 registrants.
In addition, contributed papers will be presented during a half-day poster session with ample opportunities for young investigators to network and discuss their research. The Center for Pharmaceutical Biotechnology and the Conference Sponsors are proud to sponsor the student poster competition to promote excellence in student research. When submitting abstracts online, students should indicate that they wish to enter the competition. Students include graduate students and postdocs.
Please register on the conference website:2024 Colorado Protein Stability Conference | CU School of Pharmacy ( July 5th is the deadline for early registration, poster abstract submissions, and hotel reservations.
The Research Bulletin shares timely news and announcements from the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research.
Email with content submissions for future editions.