NEW: Federal Transition Updates for Researchers Webpage

The CU Anschutz Medical Campus leadership, the University of Colorado's federal relations team and legal counsel are working closely to monitor the transitions and to better understand the potential impacts on our research community. We are committed to updating the campus community as early and as often as possible whenever definitive changes can be communicated.

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Electronic research notebooks (ERNs) help researchers to manage the results of research efforts, record and document research processes and procedures, and manage digital research data in ways that increase reproducibility, efficiency, collaboration, searchability, and security. 

CU Denver | Anschutz has purchased an enterprise license for LabArchives electronic research notebook (ERN) services for use by its faculty, researchers, staff, graduate students, and undergraduate students in performing or learning research activities.  LabArchives and their notebook software interface is securely accessible via the internet from anywhere in the world, using modern web browsers on desktops, laptops, and mobile devices. LabArchives can be used for both research and teaching. This license is funded by Office of the Vice Chancellor of Research and the Office of Regulatory Compliance and is provided at no cost to you. 

There are a number of very important decisions and considerations that Principal Investigators (PIs) or instructors must make and take into account to determine if a cloud service such as LabArchives is an appropriate choice for where to store research data or manage student work. This website is intended to outline the benefits and risks associated with using an ERN, and serve as a guide to start using LabArchives.

  • LabArchives provides the leading ERN on the market with multiple built-in widgets for customization
  • A cloud-based solution that can be accessed from anywhere
  • Compatible with multiple platforms and devices (including smart phones and tablets)
  • Tools that enable compliance with funding agencies' data management requirements
  • The only ERN service provider approved for Internet to higher education member universities
  • Efficient review processes for lab notebooks, in both the classroom and research contexts
  • Excellent customer service

Available Editions 

  • LabArchives is a web-based application designed for researchers to organize and share their laboratory data with their colleagues, friends, students, or anyone across the world.

Using LabArchives ERN in your lab (YouTube) 

A LabArchives Notebook may be shared among any number of users; access rights are controlled by the group Administrator and can be easily modified to suit the individual needs of each researcher, educator, or contributor.   

When you sign up for LabArchives, your first Notebook will be created automatically; and you then have the ability to name it appropriately.  Users may create an unlimited number of Notebooks by clicking on the  icon in the upper right of the screen, select Utllities=> Create New Notebook.

Organize your laboratory data 

If you're like most investigators, you have hundreds or even thousands of files of valuable data that are spread across multiple computers, files, and folders. In addition, you often have several versions of the same information (some of which may be overwritten). With LabArchives, all versions of all of your files are securely stored and easily searched by a wide variety of criteria. You can quickly and easily view an older version of a file, or even view what was changed from one version to another (and which party made that modification).   


Preserve all your data securely, including all versions of all files 

LabArchives stores all of your data on a network of redundant servers; your information is far safer on LabArchives than on your local computers or even an institutional server. And far more secure than in a paper notebook.     


Share information within your laboratory 

Share selected or all information among your group. Under your control, you may allow individual "read-only" or "read-write" access to specific work, or to the entire notebook.   


Keep abreast of developments in your lab even when traveling 

As a lab notebook owner or administrator, you have full rights to view the entire notebook. View any data that has been produced; you can "filter" by an individual, date, or combination. View any data or files from across the globe with the click of the mouse.     


Collaborate with investigators by sharing selected data 

Share selected data, entire folders, or your entire notebook with a colleague anywhere in the world. This individual will see only what you want them to see; they may make comments and/or, with your permission, add data to your Notebook.     


Protect your intellectual property 

All data is automatically date and time-stamped and stored on the LabArchives server network. This preserves every version of every data entry and provides clear evidence who completed the work and when the work was done

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