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Volume 2, Issue 11 | June 1, 2022

Featured Recruitment Studies

Intestinal Barrier Study

A Randomized Parallel Comparison of Semaglutide versus Placebo on Intestinal Barrier (SIB)

Volunteers needed for a research study examining the effects of once-weekly semaglutide on intestinal barrier function in type 2 diabetics who are being treated with metformin only. Main procedures involve blood draws, lactulose mannitol ratio (urine) test, stool samples, and once-weekly subcutaneous injection of either semaglutide or a placebo. Compensation will be provided.


"SPOTLIGHT": Skeletal Response to Simulated Night Shift


  • Healthy man or woman (not pregnant) aged 20-40 years old.
  • Premenopausal women must be on continuous oral contraception pills.
  • Habitually sleep 7-9 hours/night.
  • No night shift work in the past year.
  • A non-smoker.

Computer Training to Help with Mood Study

Research on Computer Training to Help with Mood

This study plans to learn more about a promising new treatment for irritability in adolescents. This new treatment is called Interpretation Bias Training. It uses a computer to show adolescents pictures of face emotions. The goal of this study is to test whether the training program that targets hostile emotional responses will be successful at treating irritability.

  • Between the ages of 13 and 17 years.
  • No serious medical issues.
  • Currently in mental health treatment

iLet Bionic Pancreas & Type 1 Diabetes Study

Assessing Feasibility, Safety, and Efficacy of Deploying a Closed-Loop Automated Insulin Delivery System by Community-Based Primary Care Physicians and Academic Endocrinologists, in Person and Through Telehealth

Volunteers are needed for a study using the iLet bionic pancreas in volunteers with type 1 diabetes. Volunteers who qualify will be asked to participate in two, two-week arms. One wearing the iLet, and one continuing their usual care. You may qualify if you are over 18 years of age, have been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, and have an interest in diabetes technologies.

Cannabis in Adolescents Study

Cannabis in Adolescents Study

The purpose of this research is to better understand the effects of marijuana use on the endocannabinoid and endorphin systems in adolescents. There will be total 12 study visits over about two months. Some of these visits will be held via Zoom and others at a clinic on the CU Anschutz Campus in Aurora. You will be asked questions; complete questionnaires; and give urine, blood, saliva, and hair samples. Compensation Provided.

  • Age 14-21.
  • Use marijuana at least two days a week for the past month.

Sex Hormone and Vascular Function Study

Sex Hormone and Vascular Function in Women with Chronic Kidney Disease vs. Healthy Women

Healthy postmenopausal women volunteers needed for research investigating sex hormones and vascular function. Compensation will be provided.

  • Women 55-75 years.
  • Generally healthy and free from hypertension.
  • Non-smokers.
  • Not use oral hormone replacement therapy.

Sex-Based Differences in the Neuronal Mechanisms Study

Sex-Based Differences in the Neuronal Mechanisms of Food Intake Behavior


  • Be between 18-45 years old.
  • Not have metal or electronic devices in their body.
  • Not be claustrophobic.
  • Not currently be using hormonal contraceptives.

Male Birth Control Gel Study

Male Birth Control Gel

Are you interested in a new male birth control? We are seeking couples for a male birth control gel study.

Combined Birth Control Pills Study

Nexplanon Use in Those Choosing Combined Birth Control Pills

Started a birth control pill, or are you planning to? Are you willing to use a birth control implant?

How do I feature a study?

If you would like to have your study featured please submit your information and we will work on including your study information in our next issue.

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