The CU Anschutz Medical Campus leadership, the University of Colorado's federal relations team and legal counsel are working closely to monitor the transitions and to better understand the potential impacts on our research community.
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New - CU Anschutz Programmatic Incubator for Research (CU ASPIRE) Program
The goal of the CU ASPIRE Program is to increase submission and success of program project, center grants, and large multi-project team science programs (not multi-PI R01s) on campus by supporting milestone-driven collaborations between investigators across campus.
ARPA-H funds its first ever research project via the General BAA mechanism awarded to Emery University ($24M): RNA-Encoded Immunogene Tuning (CUREIT)
Newly Released: Digital Infrastructure Program (DIGIHEALS/SHARE)
Precision Surgical Interventions (PSI),
General ARPA-H Funding
For more information or questions, email Jamie Kutner.
To submit a proposal for these opportunities: Interested candidates must send a one-page summary of their research proposal and their biosketch in pdf format via the Limited Submission Portal
PSI Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) — calls for proposals focused on cancer localization, healthy structure localization, and improving outcomes during surgery. One portion of the BAA focuses on cancer surgeries, while another applies to surgeries for any relevant condition.
Notice of Intent to Publish a Funding Opportunity Announcement for Short Courses in Social Determinants of Health for Research Education in Nursing Research (R25 Independent Clinical Trial Not Allowed) (NOT-NR-23-015)
Notice of Intent to Publish a Funding Opportunity Announcement for Nursing Research Education Program in Firearm Injury Prevention Research: Short Courses (R25 Independent Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
digiSPARK is awarding 2-3 grants to PIs developing digital health solutions addressing unmet clinical and administrative needs. Areas of digital health solutions include artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data, software, healthcare IT, and more.
Funding for digiSPARK is provided by the Colorado Office of Economic Development & International Trade’s (COEDIT) Advanced Industries Accelerator (AIA) program. Applicants awarded grants are required to match 1/3 of the grant award with funding from industry partners, startups or the PI’s department.
Important Dates:
A six-week short course for those wanting to become acquainted with basic clinical trial methodology, either to broaden their knowledge of public health and clinical research, or to obtain a basis for more advanced study of the design and conduct of clinical trials. Introduces clinical trial design in the context of epidemiological concepts, covers various topics in the design and conduct of clinical trials, and profiles clinical trials that illustrate these issues.
This bulletin is distributed on the 1st & 3rd Tuesday of the month for the CU Anschutz Research Community.
Past Research Bulletins can be found here.
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