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Volume 3, Issue 1 | January 18, 2023

Featured Recruitment Studies

Chest X-Ray

The Lung PCA: A Multi-Dimensional Atlas of Pulmonary Premalignancy

Doctors at the Denver VA Medical Center and University of Colorado Cancer Center are interested in creating a multi-dimensional atlas of genomic and microenvironmental data that represent the status of pre-malignant lesions of the lung and the progression of these into invasive lung cancer via pre-screening, veteran and non-veteran subjects at high risk for the development of lung squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) will be identified and enrolled to undergo serial bronchoscopies at 12 month intervals over a 2-3 year period. Participation is completely voluntary, and patients will be apprised of their condition over the course of the bronchoscopies to ensure they receive quality health care for their condition, cancerous or not.

Women sleeping

Skeletal Response to Simulated Night Shift (SPOTLIGHT Study)


  • Healthy men and women aged 20-40 years old.
  • Habitually sleep 7-9 hours/night.
  • Have not done night shift work in the past year.
  • Do not currently smoke.
  • Fully vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2

Diabetes test

REACH - Role of Microvascular Insulin Resistance and Cardiorespiratory Fitness in Diabetes

We are recruiting for a study examining the interaction of exercise and type 2 diabetes.

  • BMI 25-40 (overweight-obese)
  • Currently doing less than 1 hour per week of exercise'With or without Type 2 diabetes (no prediabetes)
  • Non tobacco users
  • Premenopausal women
  • Women and men between the ages of 30-55


Volunteers Needed for Research Study on Heart Health After Pregnancy

We are recruiting women with a history of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, including preeclampsia or gestational hypertension, who had a baby 1-5 years ago to participate in a research study on health after pregnancy.

Group of aged people

How Does Inflammation Affect the Aging Brain? Research Study Investigates Aging, Memory, and Immune Function

The University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus is looking for interested adults 60 and over to participate in a research study examining how inflammation influences brain health. Data gathered from this study will be used to better understand how inflammation may or may not disrupt thinking and memory. Participation involves two research visits over the course of two years.
Procedures Include:

  • Memory and thinking tests
  • Health history questionnaires
  • Blood sample
  • Spinal fluid sample
  • MRI of brain
  • SARS-CoV-2 antibody test (results provided)


  • 60 years or older
  • In good general health
  • Have NOT been diagnosed with a memory disorder

Group of women

Nexplanon Use in Those Primarily Choosing a Combined Oral Contraceptive

The Birth Control Pill and Implant study is designed to see if people who use or plan to use a birth control pill as their main method of birth control are willing to use a hormonal birth control implant at the same time to better prevent pregnancy.

Knee Pain

DHEA Augmentation of Musculoskeletal Adaptations to Exercise in Older Women

Inclusion Criteria:

  • Healthy postmenopausal women aged 55-85 years
  • Willing to take DHEA or inactive placebo every day for 9 months
  • Willing to exercise 3x per week at the Anschutz Medical Campus
  • Fully vaccinated and boosted against COVID-19

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Currently taking osteoporosis medication
  • Currently using hormone therapy
  • History of breast cancer
  • Current use of tobacco products
  • Inability to complete MRI scan
  • Use of Insulin

Newspaper article about cancer

A Clinical Trial Comparing PRRT with 177Lu-Edotreotide to Best Standard of Care for Neuroendocrine Tumors of GastroEnteric or Pancreatic Origin (COMPOSE)

Dr. Bennett Chin is the principal investigator (research group leader) for the study in the Department of Radiology. The purpose of COMPOSE is to evaluate the efficacy, safety and impact on the quality of life of Targeted Radionuclide Therapy with a radiopharmaceutical,  Lutetium-177-Edotreotide, in patients with specific advanced Grade 2 and Grade 3 NETs of gastroenteric** or pancreatic origin (GEP-NETs). This includes patients with advanced or progressive GEP-NET which cannot be surgically removed and might have spread to other parts of the body (metastatic).

Diabetes test and exercise machines

Libre 2 CGM plus Glycemic Excursion MIniMization (GEM) in the Treatment of PrEDiabetEs: The IMPEDE Study

Volunteers are needed for a research study on the effects of a lifestyle intervention guide called GEM along with CGM and activity monitor aiming to improve metabolic control in people diagnosed with prediabetes.

Old couple smiling

SESAD – Alzheimer’s Clinical Trial

The purpose of this research study is to learn more about the safety and effectiveness of a drug called sargramostim for improving cognitive function and memory in people with Alzheimer's disease. Participants will be asked to participate in weekly visits for 24 weeks (6 months), as well as screening and follow-up visits. Weekly appointments will be conducted at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus in Aurora, Colorado. Compensation Provided. Study related care and medication at no cost.  These visits may include some of the following procedures:Cognitive testing, Twice weekly blood draws, Health Questionnaires, Study Partner Questionnaires, Lumbar Puncture (spinal tap), MRI, PET scan, Treatment/placebo injection 5x a week during treatment phase.

  • Age between 60-80 years.
  • Have a diagnosis of mild-to-moderate Alzheimer's disease (AD).
  • Willing and able to have a lumbar puncture (spinal tap) and twice weekly blood draws.
  • Not have a first degree relative diagnosed with AD before 55 years of age.
  • Have a study partner willing to give daily injections after training.

How do I feature a study?

If you would like to have your study featured please submit your information and we will work on including your study information in our next issue.

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