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Volume 2, Issue 14 | July 20, 2022

Featured Recruitment Studies

Man thinking about a nightmare

Volunteers Needed for Research Study on PTSD-Associated Nightmares and Cardiovascular Health

The purpose of this research study is to see if we can improve sleep quality and heart health by reducing nightmares related to PTSD. We are recruiting individuals who experience PTSD-associated nightmares to participate in a research study to help us understand if improving sleep quality by reducing the impact of nightmares can improve cardiovascular health.

Women sleeping in peace

"SPOTLIGHT": Skeletal Response to Simulated Night Shift


  • Healthy man or woman (not pregnant) aged 20-40 years old.
  • Premenopausal women must be on continuous oral contraception pills.
  • Habitually sleep 7-9 hours/night.
  • No night shift work in the past year.
  • A non-smoker.

Video Game controller

Research on Computer Training to Help with Mood

This study plans to learn more about a promising new treatment for irritability in adolescents. This new treatment is called Interpretation Bias Training. It uses a computer to show adolescents pictures of face emotions. The goal of this study is to test whether the training program that targets hostile emotional responses will be successful at treating irritability.

  • Between the ages of 13 and 17 years.
  • No serious medical issues.
  • Currently in mental health treatment

Contraceptive Implant

Potential for the Contraceptive Implant as Emergency Contraception

Are you interested in starting Nexplanon, hormonal birth control that goes in your arm?

Women seeing a counselor

Seeking Volunteers for Research on Social Anxiety

We are studying the way in which learning style affects how people with social anxiety respond to therapy. Participants in this study will be able to access 12 free, evidence-based therapy sessions for social anxiety and complete two brain scans in an MRI.

  • Are female/designated female at birth.
  • Are between 18-25 years old.
  • Have not had any children.
  • Experience social anxiety.
  • Compensation Provided.

Heart Health Illustration

Research Study on Heart Health after Pregnancy

We are recruiting women who had a healthy pregnancy 1-5 years ago to participate in a research study as a comparison group on health after pregnancy.

  • Age: 18-45.
  • Not currently taking medications to treat high blood pressure or cholesterol.
  • Not currently pregnant or wishing to become pregnant in the next 3 months.

Old man consulting doctor

Phase II Trial to Evaluate Safety and Efficacy of GM-CSF/Sargramostim in Alzheimer's Disease (SESAD)

The purpose of this research study is to learn more about the safety and effectiveness of a drug called sargramostim for improving cognitive function and memory in people with Alzheimer's disease. Participants will be asked to participate in weekly visits for 24 weeks (6 months), as well as screening and follow-up visits that include Cognitive testing, twice weekly blood draws, heart tracing (ECG), health questionnaires, study partner questionnaires, lumbar puncture (spinal tap), MRI, PET scan and Treatment/placebo injection 5 times a week during treatment phase. Health insurance is not needed for this study. Study related care and medication at no cost and Compensation Provided.

  • Age: 60-80 years old.
  • Have a diagnosis of mild-to-moderate Alzheimer's disease (AD).
  • Willing and able to have a lumbar puncture (spinal tap) and twice weekly blood draws.
  • Should have a study partner willing to give daily injections after training.

Group of women

Research about IUD Displacement with Menstrual Cup Insertion and Removal

Are you interested in having your IUD removed and participating in research?

How do I feature a study?

If you would like to have your study featured please submit your information and we will work on including your study information in our next issue.

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