NEW: Federal Transition Updates for Researchers Webpage

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Volume 2, Issue 3 | February 2, 2022

Dear Research Colleagues,

As the February snow hits Colorado, we wanted to take this opportunity and remind colleagues of the Research Studies website. The website was created in partnership with the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and the School of Medicine, featuring studies actively recruiting participants for IRB-approved protocols.  

If you are looking to recruit participants to your IRB-approved research study, we encourage you to submit a request so that we can feature your study in an upcoming newsletter. 

To learn more about the administrative tool of Research Studies, please register for office hours held on Thursdays from 12-1 pm. During this time, we will provide tips and guidelines to help increase your study recruitment by utilizing the Research Studies website.

Feel free to email if you have any questions.

Featured Recruitment Studies

BBC Study

The Brain Body Connection (BBC)

Recruiting non-diabetic males ages 18-40 that may be overweight or have obesity for a research study on how well the brain responds to hormone signals from the body.


"SPOTLIGHT": Skeletal Response to Simulated Night Shift

  • Healthy man or woman (not pregnant) aged 20-40 years old.
  • Premenopausal women must be on continuous oral contraception pills.
  • Habitually sleep 7-9 hours/night.
  • No night shift work in the past year.
  • A non-smoker

AMD Study

Colorado Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) Registry

You may be eligible to participate if you have an early or intermediate form of Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD).
Purpose of the study: To gain insight into the causes of AMD and to study biomarkers in the blood marked with AMD.

Food Intake and the Adolescent Brain Study

Food Intake and the Adolescent Brain

Seeking volunteers ages 13-18 to study the brain's response to sugar and how it contributes to food intake in adolescents.

Association Between Acne and Levonorgestrel Study

Examining the Association Between Acne and Levonorgestrel-Containing Intrauterine Device

We are looking for study participants to determine if progesterone IUDs cause worsening of facial acne. Study participants will send secure photos of their face at weeks 0, 12, and 24 after placing an IUD. Two dermatologists then review the photos using the Global Acne Severity Scale. All participants will receive a $50 Amazon gift card for participating in the study.
To qualify for the study, you must:

  • Have had IUD placed in the last 18 days.
  • Have had no changes to acne treatment (if on any) in the last 12 weeks.
  • Be at least 12 weeks postpartum if recently delivered baby.

Anti-estrogen Endocrine Therapies Study

The Effects of Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior on Insulin Resistance Among Breast Cancer Survivors Being Treated With Anti-estrogen Endocrine Therapies

We are looking for female participants who:

  • Are between 18-80 years old.
  • Have been diagnosed with breast cancer.
  • Are being treated with endocrine therapy such as tamoxifen or an aromatase inhibitor.

Quality of Life in Adolescent Athletes Study

Disordered Eating, Energy Availability, and Quality of Life in Adolescent Athletes

Healthy adolescent athletes are needed for a research study investigating nutrition in young athletes and relating to the quality of life. 

Contraceptive Implant Study

Effects of Your Genetics on the Contraceptive Implant (Nexplanon®)

The pharmacogenomics of contraception: genetic determinants of etonogestrel pharmacokinetics.
One visit lasting 30 minutes. The visit includes a questionnaire and a blood draw.

Guided Breathing Sleep Study

Guided Breathing Sleep Study

A research study for those struggling to fall asleep due to interfering thoughts.

Male birth control Study

Clinical Evaluation of Daily Application of Nestorone? (NES) and Testosterone (T) Combination Gel for Male Contraception

Are you interested in new male birth control? We are seeking couples for a male birth control gel study.

Virtual Reality and Stress Study

Utilization of Virtual Reality Mindfulness Application to Reduce Stress and Promote Wellbeing in University Students

We recruit up to 75 students, residents, and fellows from CU Anschutz to participate. Participation involves completing mindfulness sessions 3-5 times per week on a virtual reality (VR) headset or a mobile device. Participants will be given a VR headset for the duration of the study and be compensated for their time.

Gut Bacteria in Young Infants Study

Early Iron Exposure on Gut Bacteria in Young Infants

Pregnant moms planning to formula feed needed for a research study!
Your baby's participation involves:

  • A visit to Children's Hospital Colorado at four months of age.
  • Length, weight, and head circumference measurements.

The formula provided for the duration of the study! Compensation is also provided!

Oral Contraceptive Study

Nexplanon Use in Women Primarily Choosing a Combined Oral Contraceptive: a Multicenter Trial

Started a birth control pill or planning to? Willing to use a birth control implant too?

How do I feature a study?

If you would like to have your study featured please submit your information and we will work on including your study information in our next issue.

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