The CU Anschutz Medical Campus leadership, the University of Colorado's federal relations team and legal counsel are working closely to monitor the transitions and to better understand the potential impacts on our research community. We are committed to updating the campus community as early and as often as possible whenever definitive changes can be communicated.
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To submit a proposal for these opportunities: Interested candidates must send a one-page summary of their research proposal and their biosketch in pdf format via the Limited Submission Portal
ARPA-H Precision Surgical Interventions (PSI) Program
Broad Agency Announcement (BAA): For release mid-August
Abstracts Due: Mid-September
This BAA is a call to develop novel intraoperative devices and tools to decrease the reoperation rate in oncological surgeries (Technical Area 1 - Cancer localization) and rate of accidental damage to critical structures in all surgeries (Technical Area 2 - Healthy structure localization).
ARPA-H Proposers’ Day
Event: September 7, 2023; Chicago, IL
Registration Due: August 28th, 2023 or until full Opportunity to 1) learn more about the PSI program (application and submission process, areas of special interest etc. 2) meet 1-on-1 with program managers to discuss research ideas and obtain ARPA-H feedback 3) participate in a poster session 4) engage in teaming opportunities.
IMPORTANT! ARPA-H limits in-person Proposer Day attendance to 2 investigators per institution
CU Anschutz Vice Chancellor’s Office of Research Development and Strategy will cover the 2 selected investigator’s costs to attend Proposers’ Day (airfare/travel).
Contact Diane Ladell to discuss in-person proposer day attendance by August 10th.
What's Included: SPARK Awards bridge the gap between academic discovery and the clinic through product development-based funding and hands-on advising from industry experts.
Important Dates:
This bulletin is distributed on the 1st & 3rd Tuesday of the month for the CU Anschutz Research Community.
Past Research Bulletins can be found here.
Please click here if you wish to be added to this distribution.