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December 6, 2022, Research Bulletin

Volume 3, Issue 23

Featured Funding Opportunities

01/12/23 — Interventions that Address Structural Racism to Reduce Kidney Health Disparities – Research Coordinating Center (U24 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed) 

01/12/23 — Chronic Kidney Disease in Children Central Biochemistry Laboratory (U24 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed)   

01/16/23 — Innovation Award: COVID-19 and Health Equity (U01 - Clinical Trials Not Allowed)

02/02/23 — Investigating the Effects of Addictive Substances on Brain Developmental Trajectories Using Innovative Scalable Methods for Quantification of Cell Identity, Lineage and Connectivity (R01 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed) 

02/10/23 — Transformative Educational Advancement and Mentoring Network (TEAM) (R25 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed) 

02/10/23 — HEAL Initiative - Sleep Predictors of Opioid-Use Disorder Treatment Outcomes Program: Leadership and Data Co-ordinating Center (U01 - Clinical Trial Optional) 

02/10/23 — HEAL Initiative: Sleep Predictors of Opioid-Use Disorder Treatment Outcomes Program (R01 - Clinical Trial Optional) 

02/16/23 — Trailblazer Award for New and Early Stage Investigators (R21 - Clinical Trial Optional) 

02/21/23 — Pathway to Independence Award in Tobacco Regulatory Research (K99/R00 - Independent Clinical Trial Required) 

02/21/23 — Mentored Research Scientist Career Development Award in Tobacco Regulatory Research (K01 - Independent Clinical Trial Required) 

03/23/23 — Exploratory studies to investigate mechanisms of HIV infection, replication, latency, and/or pathogenesis in the context of substance use disorders (R61/R33 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed) 

04/07/23 — Cooperative Centers on Human Immunology (U19 - Clinical Trial Optional)

NIH Funding Announcements

NIH funding opportunities and notices are presented weekly. Please see the current and past updates below.

Limited Funding Opportunities

To submit a proposal for these opportunities: Interested candidates must send a one-page summary of their research proposal and their biosketch in pdf format via the Limited Submission Portal

NCI Research Specialist (Clinician Scientist) Award (R50 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) 

  • Materials due to Internal Review Committee: December 15, 2022 
  • Sponsor Deadline: February 08, 2022

John Lewis NIMHD Research Endowment Program 

  • Materials due to Internal Review Committee: December 10, 2022 
  • Sponsor Deadline: January 17, 2023

CDC Miner Safety and Health Training Program - Western United States

  • Materials due to Internal Review Committee: December 15, 2022 
  • Sponsor Deadline: January 20, 2023

NCI Cancer Screening Research Network: ACCrual, Enrollment, and Screening Sites (ACCESS) Hub (UG1 Clinical Trial Required)

  • Materials due to Internal Review Committee: December 15, 2022
  • Sponsor Deadline: February 28, 2023

NCI Cancer Screening Research Network: Statistics and Data Management Center (UG1 Clinical Trial Required)

  • Materials due to Internal Review Committee: December 15, 2022
  • Sponsor Deadline: February 28, 2023

NCI Cancer Screening Research Network: Coordinating and Communication Center (UG1 Clinical Trial Required)

  • Materials due to Internal Review Committee: December 15, 2022
  • Sponsor Deadline: February 28, 2023

Special Announcements

CCTSI Programs Requests for Applications

The CCTSI K to R (KTR) Transition program and Pre-K program are now accepting applications for review. 

Both programs offer a unique opportunity for internal mock grant review for those submitting NIH grant applications. Participants will receive specific written and verbal critiques of their proposals prior to submission to the funding agency.

Fundamentals of Statistical Literacy I Course Offering  

This course gives an introduction to statistical thinking and communication involving basic statistical models and tests and is appropriate for those familiar with biomedical research but little or no statistical expertise. Fall 2022, the course is offered November thru December from 6-8pm. 

For questions email Luan Nguyen at the Center for Innovative Design and Analysis.

2023 Boettcher Foundation Webb-Waring Biomedical Research Grants 

Applications are being accepted for the 2022 Boettcher Webb-Waring Biomedical Research Awards program to support research that has a direct impact on human health.

  • Up to 5 grants of $235,000 (covering up to three years of research activity) will be awarded to promising and talented early-career investigators at the University of Colorado. 
  • Awardees will carry the prestigious title of “Boettcher Investigator”.
  • Eligible faculty researchers from all four CU campuses are encouraged to apply.

Visit the website for information on how to apply

Potential applicants can get more information about the award program, the application and selection process, and participate in a Q&A with the chair and vice chair of the 2023 selection panel by participating in an informational webinar on Friday, December 9, 2022, 3:30 p.m.

Call for Applications – 2023–2025 Jeremiah A. Barondess Fellowship in the Clinical Transaction: Reinvigorating the Patient-Physician Relationship

The Fellowship, from The New York Academy of Medicine and the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education, offers junior faculty members in internal medicine with a current university appointment the opportunity to develop innovative programs that enhance the fundamental elements of clinical care. This prestigious award includes funding of $50,000 over two years. Awardees will develop and implement programs that lead to significant enhancements in the areas of communicating with patients, conducting the physical examination, and applying clinical reasoning. Learn more and apply by Friday, Dec. 16, 2022.

CU ASPIRE Program Announces Second Round of Funding Available 2023

The CU Anschutz SOM Programmatic Incubator for Research (CU ASPIRE) Program’s goal to increase submission and success of program projects, center grants and large multi-investigator programs on campus by supporting milestone-driven collaborations between investigators across campus. Successful applications will include three to five investigators with complementary scientific backgrounds focused on solving a complex unmet need in basic science or clinical medicine. Learn more and apply by Feb. 1, 2023.

New NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy  

Beginning in January 2023, the Final NIH Policy for Data Management and Sharing (NOT-OD-21-013) will require researchers to include a data management and sharing plan (DMSP) in all funding applications. 

The Chief Research Informatics Officer (CRIO) Council has convened a working group to determine campus needs and response to the new policy. We are creating CU Anschutz-specific data management and sharing plan (DMSP) templates and concierge services to help researchers. More information can be found on the Research Informatics Office website.

Please email with questions or if you would like to join the Working Group and help define campus data management and sharing infrastructure and policies.

Key features of the new policy are:
  • The policy applies to all research, funded in whole or in part by NIH, that results in the generation of scientific data including grants, contracts, and other transactions; it does not apply to research and other activities that do not generate scientific data, including training, infrastructure development, and non-research activities. 
  • The DMSP is two pages and is not a scored component of proposals.
  • Annual Notice of Award is dependent on RPPR reporting and grant budgets may include costs for preserving and sharing data, including personnel and storage costs. These funds must be spent during the funding period.
  • Scientific data should be made accessible as soon as possible, and no later than the time of an associated publication, or the end of performance period, whichever comes first.
  • NIH will provide a template later this fall. A draft DMS Blank Format Page includes the following categories for inclusion:
    • Element 1: Data type (type, amount, which data will be preserved/shared, metadata and documentation)
    • Element 2: Tools, software, and code
    • Element 3: Data standards
    • Element 4: Data Preservation, access, timelines for sharing and preservation, and repository selection
    • Element 5: Factors affecting access, distribution, or reuse of scientific data, controlled access and privacy considerations
    • Element 6: Institutional compliance, monitoring, and roles

High Resolution peripheral Quantitative Computed Tomography (HR-pQCT) 2023 Seed Grant Call for Applications

High-Resolution peripheral Quantitative Computed Tomography (HR-pQCT) is now available in the outpatient Adult CTRC to obtain non-invasive 3D images at the distal tibia and distal radius of humans for clinical in vivo assessments of volumetric bone mineral density and parameters of bone quality (e.g., microarchitecture, geometry, porosity, and biomechanics). XtremeCT II HR-pQCT scanner images have a very small isotropic voxel size (60.7 μm) and very low radiation dose (≤5 μSv per scan/anatomical site) so the device can be used for studies performed in adult, adolescent, and pediatric populations.

These seed grants are intended to increase utilization of this new instrument and can only be used for HR-pQCT scanning/analysis. They are supported by the CCTSI, the Vice Chancellor of Research, and Pediatric Endocrinology at Children’s Hospital Colorado. 

For additional information please visit the the CCTSI website or email Julio Carballido-Gamio, PhD, with questions.

Applications are due February 15, 2023.

Fundamentals of Statistical Literacy I Course Offering

This course gives an introduction to statistical thinking and communication involving basic statistical models and tests and is appropriate for those familiar with biomedical research but little or no statistical expertise. Fall 2022, the course is offered November thru December from 6-8pm. 

For questions email Luan Nguyen at the Center for Innovative Design and Analysis.

This bulletin is distributed on the 1st & 3rd Tuesday of the month for the CU Anschutz Research Community.   

Past Research Bulletins can be found here.

Please click here if you wish to be added to this distribution.

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