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June 1, 2021 Research Bulletin

Volume 2, Issue 11
  • 6/3: Setting and Maintaining Your Summer Writing Schedule 12-1pm
  • 6/22: Problematizing Race as a Variable 12-1pm
  • 8/3: Planning Your Research Agenda for Fall 12-1pm
  • 8/12: Considering DEI in Research 12-1pm


Featured Funding Opportunities

NIH Funding Announcements

NIH funding opportunities and notices are presented weekly. Please see the current and past updates below.

Limited Funding Opportunities

Currently we are seeing an increase in the number of limited institutional grant opportunities in which we can nominate a single applicant from our institution. Due to the short turn-around time we will have a modified and shortened process for these types of grant opportunities.

Please take a moment to visit and bookmark the newly launched website featuring limited funding opportunities.

Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) has released a funding opportunity titled “Telehealth Technology-Enabled Learning Program (TTELP)”


The purpose of this program is to connect specialists at academic medical centers with primary care providers (PCPs) in rural, frontier, and underserved populations providing evidence-based training and support to help them treat patients with complex conditions in their communities.

  • Materials due to Internal Review Committee: June 8, 2021
  • Sponsor Deadline: June 25, 2021

Interested candidates must send a one-page summary of their research proposal and their biosketch in pdf format via the Limited Submission Portal.

Edward Mallinckrodt, Jr. Foundation 2021 Grants Program

Edward Mallinckrodt, Jr. Foundation is accepting applications for its 2021 Grants Program  - provides support for early career investigators engaged in basic biomedical research with the potential to significantly advance understanding, diagnosis or treatment of disease.

  • Materials due to Internal Review Committee: June 11, 2021
  • Sponsor Deadline:  August 1, 2021

Interested candidates must send a one-page summary of their research proposal and their biosketch in pdf format via the Limited Submission Portal.

The Cancer Center has been invited to nominate applicants for the following three funding opportunities

  • V Foundation Adult Translational Cancer Research (Immuno-oncology/Immunotherapy)

    The V Foundation seeks to support translational research projects within the scope of adult cancer research focused on immuno-oncology/immunotherapy.  While not required, the V Foundation is encouraging research on the biological basis of cancer disparities experienced by patients from minority ethnic or racial populations in areas related to causes, aggressiveness, treatment or relapse. Cancers in which ethnic and racial disparities have previously been demonstrated include: lung and bronchus, colon and rectum, breast, prostate, uterine, cervix, stomach, and liver.  Projects are funded for a three-year period at $200,000 total costs (inclusive of 10% F&A) per year.  Qualified applicants are tenure track or tenured faculty employed through University of Colorado Denver.


  • Gabrielle’s Angels – Mainstream/Conventional Research in Hematologic Malignancies

    Gabrielle’s Angel Foundation funds innovative, translational proposals in hematologic malignancies from promising independent early-career investigators.  Projects are funded for a three-year period at $75,000 total costs (inclusive of 10% F&A) per year.  Qualified applicants must hold an MD or PhD, be at the Assistant Professor level, be tenure track or otherwise established as an independent junior faculty member (as evidenced by preliminary reports and publications from your laboratory), and be in your current position <5 years.  Please review the attached for a complete list of eligibility requirements.


  • Gabrielle’s Angels – Complementary/Integrative Research

    Gabrielle’s Angel Foundation seeks to support integrative research projects that explore evidence-based complementary interventions, optimize the manner in which mainstream care is delivered and improve the lives of those living with cancer, specifically the hematologic malignancies.  Proposals are accepted from promising independent Assistant and Associate Professor-level investigators.  Projects are funded for a three-year period at $75,000 total costs (inclusive of 10% F&A) per year.  Qualified applicants must hold an MD or PhD, be at the Assistant or Associate Professor level, and be tenure track or otherwise established as an independent junior faculty member (as evidenced by preliminary reports and publications from your laboratory).  Please review the attached for a complete list of eligibility requirements and more detailed information regarding the type of proposals that will be entertained.

Only one submission per institution is allowed for each of these opportunities. If you would like to be considered for one of these opportunities please prepare a 1-2 page summary of the intended aims, rationale and significance of your proposed project.  Submit the project summary with a title page listing the PI, co-PI (if applicable) and any other key personnel, and an NIH-style biosketch for all key personnel listed.  The title page, project summary and NIH biosketch(es) should be submitted as a single pdf document to the CU Cancer Center.

Individuals interested in more than one of the above opportunities must submit separate project proposals for each opportunity.

The deadline for consideration for the V Foundation opportunity is 5pm on Friday, June 4.

The deadline for consideration for both the Gabrielle’s Angels opportunities is 5pm on Friday, June 11.

If you have any questions, please email


Just Released

Fiscal Year 2021 (FY21) pre-announcements and funding opportunities for the Department of Defense (DoD) programs managed by the office of Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) are below.

FY21 Funding Opportunities released:

Hearing Restoration Research Program

  • Focused Research Award

Pancreatic Cancer Research Program

  • Idea Development Award
  • Idea Development Award – Early-Career Investigator Partnering PI Option
  • Translational Research Partnership Award

Rare Cancers Research Program

  • Concept Award
  • Idea Development Award
  • Resource and Community Development Award

Scleroderma Research Program

  • Idea Development Award
  • Idea Development Award – New Investigator Collaboration Option
  • Translational Research Partnership Award

Vision Research Program

  • Focused Translational Team Science Award
  • Investigator-Initiated Research Award
  • Translational Research Award
  • New for FY21: Clinical Trial Award

New Melanoma Research Program Opportunities

  • New! Melanoma Academy Leadership Award is a virtual career and research platform. The Academy Leadership (Director and Deputy Director) will catalyze the growth and professional development of the Early Career Investigators (Scholars), assess the progress of the Scholars, and facilitate communication and collaboration amongst all Academy members. The Leadership proposes pilot projects in melanoma for all Academy members to collaborate and advance both their careers and the field of melanoma research.
    • Pre-application (Letter of Intent) due 4 August 2021
    • Full application (no invitation to submit required) due 26 August 2021
  • New! Melanoma Academy Scholar Award is a career development award mechanism. Independent early career investigators (Scholars) are integrated into an interactive Academy to facilitate career advancement and research development.
    • Pre-application (preproposal) due 29 June 2021
    • Full application (invitation is required to submit) due 28 September 2021

Other Melanoma Research Program Opportunities – see cover page for important due dates

  • Mid-Career Accelerator Award)
  • Idea Award
  • Team Science Award
  • Translational Research Award

Special Announcement

2021 AACR-MPM Oncology Charitable Foundation Transformative Cancer Research Grants are not accepting letters of intent. This funding opportunity is open to current grantees.

This grant program provides $400,000 to support innovative early- and mid-career researchers conducting “high-risk, high-reward”, paradigm-shifting cancer research projects that might not be funded through conventional channels.

Proposed projects should catalyze significant scientific discoveries that will advance our understanding of cancer and have a potentially transformative impact on future clinical practice, and may be basic, translational, or clinical in nature.

LOI Deadline is Tuesday, June 29, 2021 at 1pm ET.

If you are interested, please be sure to thoroughly review the Program Guidelines and Application Instructions for full details.

If you have any questions, please contact or

The Ludeman Family Center for Women’s Health Research just released a call for applications for our 2020 seed grants.

Click here for specifics regarding the 2021 Funding Opportunity in Women’s Health & Sex/Gender Differences Research application.

Faculty from all schools and colleges are encourages to apply for this grant. The awards are $25,000 to advance research in women’s health or sex/gender differences with a focus on:

  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Diabetes
  • Intersection of mental and physical health

The deadline to apply is June 18 at 5pm.

For additional questions contact

This bulletin is distributed on the 1st & 3rd Tuesday of the month for the CU Anschutz Research Community.   

Past Research Bulletins can be found here.

Please click here if you wish to be added to this distribution.

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