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January 5, 2021 Research Bulletin

Volume 2, Issue 1

Featured Funding Opportunities

NIH Funding Announcements

NIH funding opportunities and notices are presented weekly. Please see the current and past updates below.

Limited Funding Opportunities

Currently we are seeing an increase in the number of limited institutional grant opportunities in which we can nominate a single applicant from our institution. Due to the short turn-around time we will have a modified and shortened process for these types of grant opportunities.

For the limited institutional grant opportunities below, please submit a brief summary (one page or less) and biosketch by the date indicated.

American Heart Association (AHA) has released details about their new Strategically Focused Research Network (SFRN) addressing Disparities in Cardio-Oncology.

AHA limits institutions to one application

The intent of this initiative is to support a collaboration of basic, clinical and population (or implementation) researchers whose collective efforts will lead to new approaches to the study of cardio-oncology. Each Center must propose two (2) or three (3) projects representing at least two of the following research disciplines: basic, clinical, and population science. All projects must focus on disparities in cardio-oncology. Population studies are inclusive of projects ranging from cohort studies to translational or implementation research involving community interventions.

All projects must address health and health care disparities and/or health equity in the cardio-oncology domain. AHA intends to fund four Center Grants through this mechanism. Each award will provide up to $2,925,000 across four years.

  • Materials due to Internal Review Committee: January 22, 2021
  • Letters of Intent: February 9, 2021
  • Full Application deadline: March 30, 2021
Interested candidates must send a one-page summary of their research proposal and their biosketch in pdf format to by January 22, 2021.

Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) has released a funding opportunity titled “Primary Care Training and Enhancement – Community Prevention and Maternal Health”


There are two training tracks – 1) Primary Care Community Prevention Track and 2) Primary Care Obstetrics Track. The University may submit a total of two applications – one for each track. 

  • Primary Care Community Prevention Track: The Primary Care Community Prevention Track supports training for either (1) primary care physicians (defined as physicians who have completed residency and are board-eligible or board-certified in family medicine, general internal medicine, general pediatrics, or combined internal medicine and pediatrics) and that are training in the second specialty of public health and general preventive medicine (hereafter referred to as “preventive medicine”), or (2) resident physicians in combined internal medicine preventive medicine or family medicine-preventive medicine residency programs. The aim of this track is specifically to broaden residents’ scope of services in community prevention and maternal health care. The program will also contribute to the integration of public health into primary care in rural and/or underserved areas. Rotational experiences created by awardees for this track can be made available to other physicians in training as well, but non-primary care physicians may not be supported by this award.
  • Primary Care Obstetrics Track: The Primary Care Obstetrics Track supports training for either (1) primary care physicians (defined as physicians who have completed residency and are board-eligible or board-certified in family medicine) that are training in an obstetrics fellowship program, or (2) resident physicians in family medicine residency programs with enhanced obstetrical training, including training which is provided by a co-located obstetrics-gynecology residency program. The aim of this track is specifically to broaden the training and scope of practice of these physicians to provide high quality, evidence-based maternity care services in rural and/or underserved areas, including physiologic vaginal birth and cesarean sections. Rotational experiences created by awardees for this track can be made available to other physicians in training as well, but non-primary care physicians may not be supported by this award.
  • Materials due to Internal Review Committee: January 22, 2021
  • Full Application deadline: February 22, 2021

Interested candidates must send a one-page summary of their research proposal and their biosketch in pdf format to by January 22, 2021.

US Department of Energy (DOE) has released a funding opportunity titled “Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing (SciDAC): Partnerships in Basic Energy Sciences (BES)”


Institutions are limited to two pre-applications and applications as the lead institution.

This Announcement invites new research proposals for the SciDAC-5 Partnerships in BES that enable or accelerate scientific discovery employing DOE High-End/High-Performance Computing (HPC) facilities. Two specific topics are targeted through this solicitation:

  • Quantum Phenomena of many-particle systems driven far from equilibrium. Applications are sought that drive and manipulate quantum effects such as coherence, entanglement, and novel states of matter by going beyond the use of existing quantum-based methods in their traditional regimes.
  • Predictive Control of Reaction Pathways for chemical mechanisms in complex nonequilibrium and field-driven environments important in synthesis of materials and chemicals, and deconstruction of macromolecular structures such as plastics for polymer upcycling.
  • Materials due to Internal Review Committee: January 12, 2021
  • Pre-Application deadline: January 19, 2021
  • Full Application deadline: April 6, 2020

Interested candidates must send a one-page summary of their research proposal and their biosketch in pdf format to by January 12, 2020.

National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) has released guidelines for this year’s NEA Grants for Arts Projects


Organizations are limited to one application.

This program is the NEA’s principal grants program for organizations based in the United States. Through project-based funding, the program supports public engagement with, and access to, various forms of art across the nation, the creation of excellent art, learning in the arts at all stages of life, and the integration of the arts into the fabric of community life. The Arts Endowment encourages projects that use the arts to unite and heal in response to current events, as well as address any of the following:

  • Celebrate America’s creativity and/or cultural heritage.
  • Invite a dialogue that fosters a mutual respect for the diverse beliefs and values of all persons and groups.
  • Enrich our humanity by broadening our understanding of ourselves as individuals and as a society.
  • Originate from or are in collaboration with the following constituencies encouraged by White House Executive Orders: Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Tribal Colleges and Universities, American Indian and Alaska Native tribes, African American Serving Institutions, Hispanic Serving Institutions, Asian American and Pacific Islander communities, and Organizations that support the independence and lifelong inclusion of people with disabilities.
  • Materials due to Internal Review Committee: January 15, 2021
  • Full Application deadline: February 11, 2021 (2nd competition in July)

Interested candidates must send a one-page summary of their research proposal and their biosketch in pdf format to by January 12, 2020.

Special Announcements

UCHealth CTRC Associate Medical Director Posting

The UCHealth CTRC is currently soliciting applications for the position of UCHealth CTRC Associate Medical Director. This 0.10 FTE position will work closely with the UCHealth CTRC Medical Director to ensure efficient and compliant operations of the UCHealth CTRC. All applications must be received by January 12, 2021 and should include your current CV and a cover letter highlighting relevant experience to undertake this role. Full job description and application instructions are here.

Doris Duke Call for Applications

The Doris Duke Charitable Foundation has a call for applications and the University of Colorado School of Medicine is looking to fund one scholar to retain clinical scientists.  For more details see the attached flyer.

Deadline for Application: January 15, 2021
For submission email:

The Lorna Grindlay Moore, PhD Faculty Launch Fund

The CU Denver and CU Anschutz Medical Campus proudly announce the next call for applications for the Lorna Grindlay Moore, PhD, Faculty Launch Award. Eligible Instructors and Assistant Professors are invited to apply for a one-year award of $40,000 to help launch their independent research programs. Faculty may be appointed in any of the schools or colleges of the CU Denver or CU Anschutz campuses whose research is centered on women’s health during and after the reproductive period. Appropriate areas include, but are not limited to pregnancy, family planning, infertility, oncology, education, public policy, mental health, cardiovascular health, diabetes, advancing the academic careers of women faculty and the effect of COVID-19 on women’s health.

Due date for Letter of Intent: January 29, 2021
Due date for Applications: March 31, 2021
Funds available as of July 1, 2021

T32 Training Grant (Integrative Physiology of Aging)

Call for Applications

Applications are being accepted from Pre-doctoral and Post-doctoral candidates for the University of Colorado T32 Training Grant (Integrative Physiology of Aging).

Applications will be due Friday, January 15, 2021.
Start date: between May 1, 2021 – April 30, 2022
(There are 1 Pre-doctoral and 4 Post-doctoral positions available)

If you are interested and planning to apply, please email Andrea Chisel to indicate your intent.

All applicants interested in a post-doc slot must also have their mentor contact Dr. Schwartz PRIOR to applying!!

Proposals must demonstrate a relation to aging and integrated physiology. The applications and criteria for both pre and postdoctoral candidates can be found here.

UCCC Funding Opportunity in Aging and Cancer


The University of Colorado Cancer Center is interested in promoting the development of collaborative research initiatives among Cancer Center members in the area of Aging and Cancer.

Priority will be given to applications that are multi-disciplinary, impactful to the catchment and beyond, and that leverage strengths of our research community. Proposals must be collaborative, and the lead PI(s) must be a Cancer Center member1.

New collaborations as well as those that are ongoing, but that have not yet received national-level funding will be considered. Priority will be given to proposals that have a high likelihood of leading to NCI or other national peer-reviewed cancer research funding. Priority will also be given to applications that engage the community or focus on under-represented or high priority groups within the catchment area (Colorado). Funding for these projects is from the Cancer Center Programs, the Associate Director for Basic Research (H. Ford), the Associate Director for Population Sciences (C. Bradley), and the CSU Columbine Health Systems Center for Healthy Aging (N. Ehrhart).

Projects will be awarded for 1 year only, and recipients will be expected to submit competitive national grant proposals within 6 months following the completion of this scope of work.

Anticipated awards: 3-4 projects at $40-50K each. The budget should be split across collaborating labs.

Email an electronic copy of your application (pdf format) to Jason Quinn by 5:00 pm January 22, 2021

If you have any questions about the application process, please call or email Michaela Montour  (303-724-3151); for questions about research scope or other science related inquiries, contact James DeGregori.

This bulletin is distributed on the 1st & 3rd Tuesday of the month for the CU Anschutz Research Community.   

Past Research Bulletins can be found here.

Please click here if you wish to be added to this distribution.

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