The CU Anschutz Medical Campus leadership, the University of Colorado's federal relations team and legal counsel are working closely to monitor the transitions and to better understand the potential impacts on our research community. We are committed to updating the campus community as early and as often as possible whenever definitive changes can be communicated.
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Next50 is interested in proposals for promising ideas in the aging space across disciplines and fields of interest. This is an opportunity for stakeholders in the broad field of aging to present ideas that will help to create a new future for aging in
Colorado and the nation. We are interested in a variety of issues including, but not limited to: transportation, housing, health and wellness, social programs, caregiver support, workforce, technology, research, and the arts.
Interested candidates must send a one-page summary of their research proposal and their biosketch in pdf format to by February 9, 2021.
Institutions are limited to two required pre-applications and two applications (see page 10).
Interested candidates must send a one-page summary of their research proposal and their biosketch in pdf format to by February 9, 2021.
Institutions are limited to one nomination for this program.
Interested candidates must send a one-page summary of their research proposal and their biosketch in pdf format to by February 12, 2021.
An organization may submit more than one application. In each case, the request must be for a distinctly different project. However, an organization will not receive more than one new NEA Research Labs award. If more than one research team within an organization
is interested in applying, NEA is encouraging the teams to explore working together to submit one application on behalf of the organization rather than separate applications.
Note that this grant program requires a 1:1 match.
Interested candidates must send a one-page summary of their research proposal and their biosketch in pdf format to by February 15, 2021.
Interested candidates must send a one-page summary of their research proposal and their biosketch in pdf format to by February 19, 2021.
Interested candidates must send a one-page summary of their research proposal and their biosketch in pdf format to by February 22, 2021.
Institutions are limited to one application.
Interested candidates must send a one-page summary of their research proposal and their biosketch in pdf format to by March 5, 2021.
Institutions are limited to one application..
Interested candidates must send a one-page summary of their research proposal and their biosketch in pdf format to by March 5, 2021.
Institutions are limited to one preliminary proposal as lead institution.
Materials due to Internal Review Committee: March 8, 2021
Interested candidates must send a one-page summary of their research proposal and their biosketch in pdf format to by March 8, 2021.
The CU Denver and CU Anschutz Medical Campus proudly announce the next call for applications for the Lorna Grindlay Moore, PhD, Faculty Launch Award. Eligible Instructors and Assistant Professors are invited to apply for a one-year award of $40,000 to
help launch their independent research programs. Faculty may be appointed in any of the schools or colleges of the CU Denver or CU Anschutz campuses whose research is centered on women’s health during and after the reproductive period. Appropriate
areas include, but are not limited to pregnancy, family planning, infertility, oncology, education, public policy, mental health, cardiovascular health, diabetes, advancing the academic careers of women faculty and the effect of COVID-19 on women’s
Due date for Letter of Intent: January 29, 2021
Due date for Applications: March 31, 2021
Funds available as of July 1, 2021
Both two-year research training programs are designed for early career investigators looking to obtain training and mentorship in clinical-outcomes research and each program requires sponsorship from the participating scholar’s department/division.
The programs are similar in their structure, training and mentoring processes.
A primary difference between the programs is where scholars tend to be in their research careers. SCORE fellows tend to be those who need additional analytic support, research training and/or preliminary work prior to submitting their
first major grant. CFSP scholars are typically those who already have advanced research training (e.g. have a master’s or PhD degree) and are ready to write a career development award or similar grant.
Contact Rebecca (Becca) Speer or the Program Director: Stacie Daugherty, MD, MSPH for any questions about SCORE.
For questions regarding CFSP contact Kathleen Spindle or the Program Director: Anne Libby, PhD
This bulletin is distributed on the 1st & 3rd Tuesday of the month for the CU Anschutz Research Community.
Past Research Bulletins can be found here.
Please click here if you wish to be added to this distribution.