The CU Anschutz Medical Campus leadership, the University of Colorado's federal relations team and legal counsel are working closely to monitor the transitions and to better understand the potential impacts on our research community.
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The ALA funds innovative research that takes advantage of new technologies and scientific advancements. An important part of our mission is to collaborate with other lung health-focused organizations and new initiatives.
ALA Yearly Grant Awards
Deadline: December 10, 2020
What’s new at NICHD?
NICHD Program Project Grants for HIV Research (P01 Clinical Trial Optional)
Program Number: RFA-HD-21-023
Deadline Dates:
Interested in collaborative research? Do you have a collaborative research funding opportunity you would like to announce or are you searching for a collaborator on a specific proposal?
Collaborations between research groups are growing, and the collaborating groups can be across the hall, University of Colorado campuses, the country, or the globe. Scholars or groups in different fields work together on interdisciplinary projects.
The OVCR wants to offer this space on a bi-weekly basis for promotion of collaborative research funding opportunities (internal and external funding) and solicitations for prospective interdisciplinary collaborators for proposed funding applications.
Send inquires to
The spirit of these grants is to encourage early career investigators to pursue cancer-related research problems.
University of Colorado Cancer Center (UCCC) ACS IRG grants are reserved for those applicants who are in their first few years as junior faculty members (Instructors and Assistant Professors) and who are in the process of establishing independent cancer research programs. Applicants cannot have received prior, or hold current, major funding from a national peer-reviewed source (NIH, NSF, ACS, AHA, DOD, etc.). Priority will be given to those applications which demonstrate promise to lead to further funding through conventional support mechanisms.
ACS IRG funds can be used to support project-related expenses only. Funds cannot be used for salary support for the PI. In addition to basic science projects, applications for novel translational/clinical projects, population health, cancer
disparities, and/or community-based projects are highly encouraged.
Eligibility: Instructor or Assistant Professor within six years of appointment (cannot have received major peer-reviewed funding already, including K99/R00s or other substantial multi-year independent/career development research funding. Must have faculty
status. Prior ACS-IRG recipients are eligible to receive funding for a continuation (expansion beyond, but related to) the prior funded work only if they have made substantial progress as determined by reviewers and have not yet received major
funding as specified above.
Impact in the catchment: Funding for at least one seed grant will be designated for studies focused on cancer prevention, control or population health in ethnic minority and underserved (e.g., rural, low-income) communities and that address
health disparities specific to the needs of Colorado.
Special Funding for Esophagogastric Cancer: Funding for 1-2 Paul O’Hara II Seed Grant for gastric or esophageal cancer is now available. Applicants for this funding should clearly state the focus on these cancers to be eligible
for this mechanism.
Special Funding Categories
Impact in the Catchment: The UCCC’s catchment priorities include the top incident and mortality cancers (lung, breast, prostate, colorectal cancers, and melanoma) that affect disparity populations at risk of worst outcomes. Disparity
populations include individuals who live in rural and frontier counties, in poverty, and/or are Hispanic. Risk factors of priority include those that have higher rates (e.g., tobacco, radon levels, sun exposure) or lower rates (e.g., HPV vaccine,
cancer screenings) of occurrence in Colorado compared to the rest of the nation.
Paul O’Hara II Seed Grant for Esophagogastric Cancer: Applicants must have a faculty appointment and be able to demonstrate their esophagogastric
cancer focus. As these seed grants are geared towards career development, applicants with junior faculty appointments (junior faculty who have not yet received an R01, etc.) will be given preference over senior faculty appointments. However, all faculty
levels are eligible to apply.
Applications for these grants and potentially additional funds from the UCCC and/or Denver Broncos cancer funding will be reviewed and managed in compliance with ACS guidelines.
All awards will be made for $30,000 for one year, beginning January 1, 2021. These grants are not renewable and are non-transferable, but a one-year no-cost extension may be requested.
Guidelines are available here and the online application link is available here. Questions should be sent email to
CU Cancer Center Membership is encouraged but not required. Membership application forms are available on the Cancer Center website.
Additional Requirements:
-Letter of commitment from division/department chair
-No major grant support
-CU Denver or CU Boulder faculty or other UCCC member institution
Citizenship Requirements: Applicant, if not a U.S. Citizen or permanent resident, must hold a visa which will allow him or her to remain in the U.S. long enough to complete the scope of their application. Should an award be made,
the applicant will be asked to provide such documentation prior to the award issuance.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: 5:00 PM Monday, November 2, 2020 (No exceptions).
The ADEAR Training Program is now accepting applications for post-doctoral training in HIV/AIDS-related research for the 2020-21 academic year. This integrative program provides multidisciplinary training in basic, translational
and clinical science in human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV)/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) research.
Postdoctoral scientist will receive training under the direction of a broadly based group of faculty at the University of Colorado campuses in Aurora, Boulder and Denver, Colorado State University and Denver University.
The training program faculty are experienced mentors and actively engaged in research related to the discovery and evaluation of new antiretroviral drugs or the application of existing antiretrovirals for the treatment and prevention of HIV/AIDS.
Information about the participating institutions can be found by contacting
Trainees receive salary and benefits support according to NIH guidelines, travel funds, and funds to pay for training-related coursework. Support is typically provided for two years, contingent on progress in the first year. One additional year of support can be requested at the end of year two. Award of a third year of support is contingent on approval of the Training Program Steering Committee.
All applicants must:
General instructions, criteria, and selection process:
Application Instructions:
Applications, which include the following documents, must be submitted electronically through the program website linked below by Tuesday, September 22, 2020. Please contact Kelly Rico, ADEAR Program Administrator
with any questions.
The awards will be announced in October 2020.
The purpose of the NCI Predoctoral to Postdoctoral Fellow Transition Award (F99/K00) is to encourage and retain outstanding graduate students recognized by their institutions for their high potential and strong interest in pursuing careers as independent
cancer researchers. The award will facilitate the transition of talented graduate students into successful cancer research postdoctoral appointments, and provide opportunities for career development activities relevant to their long-term career goals
of becoming independent cancer researchers.
Interested candidates must send a one-page summary of their Research Training Plan and their NIH biosketch in pdf format to Ryan Holland by September 18, 2020.
The Rivkin Center is delighted to announce that the competitions for Pilot Study Awards, Scientific Scholar Awards,
and Bridge Funding Awards are now open.
All application materials should be submitted through proposalCENTRAL
Application Deadlines:
*An additional $25,000 may be awarded to a few Pilot Studies for Year 2 of award - based on demonstration of exceptional Year 1 progress and availability of funds.
Please encourage all monitors to perform remote monitoring as much as possible, and to utilize onsite monitoring when only absolutely necessary.
A REDCap survey has been developed to enable tracking and approval of requests for essential onsite monitors for University spaces. Please use this link to request authorization of onsite monitors. This will enable us to better track and contact monitors in the case of a COVID transmission event. The survey is for monitors needing access University space only, please contact CHCO and UCHealth authorities for their current monitor access policies.
The National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C) Data Enclave, funded by NCATS of the NIH, is now open to scientists looking for
evidence-based answers to COVID-19 research questions. CCTSI Informatics Director Tell Bennett, MD, MS is playing a leadership role with N3C as Co-lead of the Clinical Scenarios and Analytics team. CU has already signed a data use agreement with the
N3C that will ensure CCTSI researchers may access the data with relative ease.
This centralized and secure national data analytics platform is for COVID-19 research only, including studying potential risk factors, protective factors and long-term health consequences. As the pandemic continues to evolve, its data and analytics capabilities
will grow over time. The data will be obtained from dozens to hundreds of hospitals across the country, providing the largest database of COVID-19 affected patients in the nation. N3C data are provided by CTSA hub partners, including both UCHealth
and Children’s Hospital Colorado.
Learn more about the N3C data enclave and access support and sign up for “Office Hours” that are being held every Tuesday and Thursday. For questions about CU Anschutz participation in the N3C, please contact
This bulletin is distributed on the 1st & 3rd Tuesday of the month for the CU Anschutz Research Community.
Past Research Bulletins can be found here.
Please click here if you wish to be added to this distribution.