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August 4, 2020 Research Bulletin

Volume 1, Issue 6


Featured Funding Opportunities


DARPA invests in technologies that can make major differences in US national security, partnering with academic, corporate, and government entities - what DARPA terms their "innovation ecosystem". All research efforts are outsourced as DARPA has no research facilities; rather, the agency provides "thought leadership, community building frameworks, technology challenges, research management, funding, and other support elements" to meet their mission.


What's new at DARPA?

Harnessing Enzymatic Activity for Lifesaving Remedies (HEALR) 

Funding Opportunity Number: HR001120S0052
CFDA Number: 12.910
Deadline Date: September 17

Collaborative Research Opportunities

National Cancer Institute (NCI)

What's new at NCI?

Notice of intent to Publish a Funding Opportunity Announcement for Glioblastoma Therapeutics Network (U19 Clinical Trial Required)



Interested in collaborative research?  Do you have a collaborative research funding opportunity you would like to announce or are you searching for a collaborator on a specific proposal?   

Collaborations between research groups are growing, and the collaborating groups can be across the hall, University of Colorado campuses, the country, or the globe. Scholars or groups in different fields work together on interdisciplinary projects. 

The OVCR wants to offer this space on a bi-weekly basis for promotion of collaborative research funding opportunities (internal and external funding) and solicitations for prospective interdisciplinary collaborators for proposed funding applications.   

Send inquires to

NIH Funding Announcements

NIH funding opportunities and notices are presented weekly. Rather than sending a separate email those updates will now be provided in this section.

Junior Faculty Funding & Review Opportunities

CCTSI Pre-K Grant Review

This program offers a unique opportunity for those submitting NIH K (or equivalent) awards to receive specific written and verbal critique of their proposals prior to submission to the funding agency.  Review of specific aims, grant criteria, tips on procuring good letters of support, and writing a successful career development plan are all part of the process.

LOI Due: August 17   

Full Proposal Due: August 31 

Mock Study Section: September 17 (12pm-5pm) Attendance Required 

For specific questions, please contact Pre-K Directors, Paul MacLean, MD or Jose Castillo-Mancilla, MD



CCTSI K to R (KTR) Transition Program Request for Applications

The K to R program is a pre-submission mock grant review process for faculty who are submitting their first R-level application. This CCTSI program provides the opportunity for anyone to submit their R-type grant proposals for internal review prior to submission to the NIH or other funding agency. Participants of this program will receive insight into the grant review process and help to improve the science and format of their applications thereby increasing their chances for success. The process requires internal submission of planned R application, or equivalent, approximately 6 weeks in advance of NIH deadlines. Core reviewers will then discuss the applications and provide verbal, as well as, written feedback for incorporation into the final proposal. Both the proposed PI and his or her mentor(s) are required to attend the mock study section where the grants are discussed. Specialty content reviewers will also participate in study sections on an "ad hoc" basis. 

Who is eligible?
Participants must be planning to submit an R type application or equivalent. Acceptable grant types include RO1, RO3, R21, VA Merit, subspecialty type research applications (e.g. ADA, AHA, JDF, ATA). Candidates must also have a faculty appointment at a CCTSI affiliated institution.   

LOI Due: August 21
Application Due: September 4
In-Person Grant Review: September 18 (1-4pm)
NIH Deadline: October 5 

For more information, please contact KTR Program Director: Maggie Wierman, MD 

For uploading/format issues contact: Galit Mankin



Paul Calabresi Award for Clinical Oncology Research (PCACOR) Scholars University of Colorado Cancer Center (UCCC) K12 Award

Deadline: August 21 

Earliest Start Date: September 1 

Program Plan and Goals
The purpose of this PCACOR is to prepare highly qualified cancer clinical researchers called Paul Calabresi Clinical Oncology Research Scholars (Scholars) who can independently design, manage, and complete cancer clinical trials.  Scholars learn to communicate and coordinate with multidisciplinary teams of clinical and basic/behavioral research scientists to test rational hypotheses and manage all phases of cancer clinical trials using state-of-the-art laboratory analyses to personalize cancer treatment.  This K12 is led by Madeleine Kane, MD, PhD, Professor of Medicine, Division of Medical Oncology, and Virginia Borges, MD, Professor of Medicine, Division of Medical Oncology. 

Eligible Scholars are clinical oncologists (MD, DO, PhD, RN, PharmD, or equivalent) who have completed their clinical training, and PhD’s in a scientific discipline who are pursuing translational human-oriented cancer research and who have completed at least two years of postdoctoral training.  The level of faculty appointment is determined by CU Denver | Anschutz Human Resources policy.  Strategies for recruitment of candidates for this PCACOR program (leading into its 18th year of funding) focus on junior faculty in oncology disciplines who have already received appointments at CU Denver | Anschutz. Expansion of the program pool to include senior fellows in clinical disciplines, as well as basic scientists, has permitted expansion of recruitment efforts, but awards are made when Scholars begin their junior faculty status. 


  1. Face page 
  2. Detailed Curriculum vitae (not Biosketch) including training history, awards, bibliography, presentations, clinical trials, teaching experience
  3. A detailed personal statement (maximum two pages) demonstrating a commitment to a career in clinical oncology research, personal strengths that will ensure success, a discussion of the steps needed to successfully pursue this career, examples of projects and/or the applicant's area of interest, a statement of why the individual should be chosen for the program
  4. Previous Research Experience checklist 
  5. Three letters of reference sent directly to the Program leader, including a letter of commitment from the applicant’s Chair or Division Head

Questions: Please direct your questions to Paige Diller

Special Announcements

CU Anschutz and CU Boulder Research (AB Nexus) Collaboration Update


On Friday, July 31 at 8am there will be an information session regarding the launch of the CU Anschutz and CU Boulder Collaborative Research Initiative.  

Vice Chancellor of Research, CU Anschutz, Dr. Thomas Flaig and Vice Chancellor of Research and Innovation, CU Boulder, Dr. Terri Fiez will lead the discussion, which will be hosted on Zoom.


PPE and Ethanol Updates


If you have any questions regarding the procurement of PPE for your research needs, visit the PPE webpage or contact The university continues to monitor the availability of PPE – while some items remain available through usual processes, others are becoming challenging (gloves) or very difficult (N95s) to procure. Please keep in mind that there are additional PPE requirements if you are working with SARS-CoV-2.     

Visit Biosafety Resources for COVID Research as EHS has guidance for such research.    As of July 28, 2020, tax-free ethanol, which has been critical to our lab/surface cleaning regimens, can be ordered ahead of time for pickup during regular tax-free ethanol sales hours (Tuesdays 10-11am, P15-1303).   

Orders can be placed by visiting the tax-free ethanol website.   

All regulatory requirements must still be met prior to ordering ethanol online.


This bulletin is distributed on the 1st & 3rd Tuesday of the month for the CU Anschutz Research Community.   

Past Research Bulletins can be found here.

Please click here if you wish to be added to this distribution.

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