OGC News - November 2022
Financial Services Connection
Nov 16, 2022
Frequently Asked Questions of the Month
When is a Formstack required for agreements related to incoming sponsor funding?
A formstack is required for amendments to existing agreements initially routed through InfoEd. Amendments are any document that changes an existing contract by adding new terms and conditions, changing existing terms, changing the scope of work details, adding new money, or changing the duration of the agreement, etc.
I’ve already routed a proposal through InfoEd for this funding and project, but not a contract. We’ve now been awarded the funding and they have sent us an agreement for review, how do I initiate a review of the contract?
Simply email the agreement to ogc.contracts@ucdenver.edu with the appropriate InfoEd proposal number included in the body of your email. Be sure to include a finalized Statement of Work, budget, and any other attachments that support the agreement or are referenced within it.
We received an agreement for an incoming sponsored project, but we haven’t submitted anything in InfoEd related to this project, how do I initiate a review of this agreement?
Please submit an InfoEd request.
Pro-tip #1: In the InfoEd routing form, be sure to select the “Agreement Ready for Review” option to bypass our Preaward team’s review, expedite the review of your agreement, and shorten the form itself.
Pro-tip #2: If there is no incoming funding, but the agreement covers a non-monetary research collaboration or other non-monetary research aim, be sure to select the “non-monetary” option in the routing form to shorten the form and expedite to our team for review.
We received…something else related to an existing award or application for funding.
This could be a subrecipient commitment form, letter of intent (LOI), a certification or representation letter, banking/ACH form, etc.
Some good rules of thumb:
- These do not require a formstack.
- Check to see if a signature is required, and if so, whether it requires an authorized official or official signatory to bind the institution.
- What phase of the award life cycle are you in? Pre-Award? Contracting? Post-Award?
If you are in the contracting stage of the award, send via attachment to ogc.contracts@ucdenver.edu and include the associated InfoEd routing.
Forms H – New Proposals Must Be Started with the Correct Form!
- Applications submitted for due dates on or after January 25, 2023
- All application types (New, Resubmission, Renewal, Revision)
- Applications submitted early for intended due dates on or after January 25, 2023
- PHS 398 Modular Budget: Within section 2. Budget Justifications, a Data Management and Sharing Plan noting that requested “Data Management and Sharing Costs” and a brief Data Management and Sharing Justification must be provided as part of the Additional Narrative Justification.
- PHS 398 Research Plan: “11. Other Plan(s)” attachment in the Research Plan Section -The NIH Data Management and Sharing Plan will be provided in this new attachment. Update instructions accordingly.
- R&R Budget Form: Within section F. Other Direct Costs, added instructions for NIH applications submitting a Data Management and Sharing Plan noting that requested “Data Management and Sharing Costs” must be noted as a single line item.
- Within section L. Budget Justification, added instructions for NIH applications submitting a Data Management and Sharing Plan to include a brief Data Management and Sharing Justification
4. Data Management Sharing Plan
- DMS Plan must be uploaded but can be corrected at JIT
- Plan cannot exceed 2 pages
- Compliance will be during the RPPR
- Please upload them as attachments in InfoEd

Changes to Closeout Report GM03
GM03 was originally designed as a report to show all projects that were determined to be in the reporting phase of their life, with the intention of making sure all project expenses were ready for reporting final expenses. The date frame of 61-92 days (about 3 months) past the end date was used.
After receiving your customer feedback, we determined that departments need more visibility, not just where reporting is needed, but also where the project needs to be closed. Based on this feedback, we are now including all projects that are more than 60 days past the end date. You will now see all past due projects not closed in this report. This change was implemented in the October reports and will continue. As a reminder, these reports are burst to the Project Fiscal Manager and come from SP-Reporting@ucdenver.edu.

OGC Team Talks
Please join us for the next OGC Team Talks on Tuesday, November 22 at 10:00am as we discuss various hot topics. This session's presenter will be Shane Jernigan. Mark your calendar and Register Now.
Office of Grants and Contracts Physical Location NotificationOur 1st floor, west wing location in the Fitzsimons Building is currently under construction. The Office of Grants and Contracts (OGC) is temporarily located in the same building on the 5th floor, west wing in Suite W5130 during construction. While OGC continues to perform most services in a remote capacity, when we are on campus, we are working in this temporary space. We are still available via a variety of methods - refer to the OGC website (about halfway down the page).
No changes are needed to our mailing address as mail is not impacted, and we have posted notices for any FedEx drop off items to come to our temporary space. Thank you for your patience during this time.
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