Human Subjects Research Training & Education

We offer a series of CTSA instructor-led courses on all aspects of conducting human subjects research (HSR), as well as a series on budgeting for clinical trials. These courses are offered throughout the year and repeat regularly. You can register for these courses via Percipio. (Find COMIRB'S training requirements and what's required by below)

If you need more personalized training for your group, we can help! Please contact us to begin customizing your training.

Training Calendar

CTSA2: Informed Consent: Overview of a Process

| 01:00 PM - 02:00 PM
To register in advance via Skillsoft, click the button below, and sign into the "CU Denver | Anschutz" option with your CU credentials when prompted.

This course will take the student through the step-by-step process of obtaining subject informed consent. This includes discussing the elements of informed consent, documenting the informed consent process, and ensuring proper informed consent processes will be followed. There will be hands-on training on writing the consent form and tips for making it the best it can be. Discussion of vulnerable population consent will also be included.
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